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With Team Star in tatters, and their leaders scattered to the wind (for now), you are tasked with meeting up with mysterious “Clive”. Together, you will take down the secret leader of Team Star and put an end to their antics once and for all. Or will you? Pokemon Scarlet & Violet is nothing but a twisting mass of lies and deceit.
As if out of nowhere, Clive reveals himself to be Director Clavell (what a twist!). Surely nothing will trump this unexpected turn of events? Alas, you would be wrong, because just as quickly as this ruse is revealed, another is unmasked before your very eyes. Not only is Clive, Clavell, but Clavell is the leader of Team Star!
More Pokemon Scarlet & Violet content:
Gym Order | How To Catch Ditto | How To Breed Pokemon | Evolution Items | Beginner Tips | Combat Guide

How To Defeat Director Clavell
As is to be expected from the Director of the most prestigious (and seemingly ONLY) academy in Paldea, Clavell is no joke. He is packing six Pokemon, all of a high level, and he is more than happy to take you down. He will bring the following Pokemon:
- Oragnguru
- Abomasnow
- Gyarados
- Amoonguss
- Polteageist
- Skeledirge/Quaquavel/Meowscarada
Oranguru is up first, and he is likely going to be a bit of an easygoing start to the fight. Oranguru has respectable stats, especially in HP, Sp.Atk and Sp.Def, as well as having a fairly neutral typing in Normal/Psychic. This makes Oranguru weak to only Bug and Dark whilst being completely immune to Ghost. Thankfully, Oranguru is more of a Doubles Pokemon and isn’t too much of a threat on its own. Hit him with a powerful Dark attack like Crunch, and you should put Oranguru down for the count.
Abomasnow looks threatening, but actually has an awful typing of Grass/Ice. This makes Abomasnow weak to Fighting, Poison, Flying, Bug, Rock, and Steel whilst also being 4x weak to Fire. Throw in some rather middling defensive stats and a very slow Speed stat, and Abomasnow can be floored by just about anything.
Gyarados is one of the most iconic Pokemon to come out of the Pokemon series. This is partially because of its outstanding visual design, but also because it’s pretty darn strong. Coming in with a decent HP and Sp.Def stat and an outstanding Atk stat, Gyarados can take a hit and slap back hard. Its Water/Flying typing is also pretty great, giving it resistance or neutrality to most attacks. It is, however, 4x weak to Electric, so try and leverage this to take it out before it can hit you.
Amoonguss is one of the best Pokemon in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet, although you probably couldn’t tell just by looking at it. You will also likely raise an eyebrow during this fight as Amoonguss is rather easy to take out. This is because, like Oranguru, Amoonguss is very much a Doubles Pokemon. Since we aren’t in Doubles, Amoonguss is far less threatening. Amoongusss is Grass/Poison, so can be taken down with Fire, Ice, Fly, or Psychic.
Polteageist is a bit of a tricky Pokemon because it doesn’t look threatening, but it ends up being quite the menace if you let it. Being pure Ghost, Polteageist is only weak to Ghost and Dark whilst being completely immune to Normal and Fighting. Not only that, but Polteageist has an excellent Sp.Atk and Sp.Def stat, making it very effective at taking a hit and dishing it out. Try and target Polteageist’s low Def stat as a result.
Finally, we have Clavell’s final Pokemon. This one is always a Starter, and it is always the Starter you and Nemona didn’t pick. These Pokemon are pretty powerful but can be overcome if you prepare. Skeledirge is weak to Water, Ground, Rock, Ghost, and Dark. Quaquavel is weak to Electric, Grass, Flying, Psychic, and Fairy. Meowscarada is weak to Fire, Ice, Fighting, Poison, Flying, Bug, and Fairy. Quite a diverse set of weaknesses across each Pokemon, so it shouldn’t be too difficult to take them out.

Rewards For Defeating Director Clavell
You are rewarded with the usual monetary compensation. The real reward, however, is another shocking reveal by Director Clavell. On his defeat, he throws a curve ball and informs you that he is not, in fact, the leader of Team Star. The twists are truly endless. You have one more battle ahead of you, so be prepared to take on the true leader of Team Star.
That’s all we have on Team Star for now. We have more Pokemon Scarlet & Violet guides for your viewing pleasure, take a quick gander at those for more tips and tricks.