Evil West is the new action game that sees players taking up the role of Jesse Rentier, a vampire-hunting cowboy that needs to use his electrical Gauntlet to punch and slam his way through waves upon waves of vampires and demons to ensure the safety of the world. Along his journey, players will stumble upon many collectibles, which include Lore to flesh out the setting, Cash that can be found in either pouches, crates, small chests, or even on hanging dead bodies and can be used to buy upgrades for your equipment, and Unique Chests that can hold even more Gold, skins for your weapons and character, and even secret skills and abilities. In total, there are 393 collectibles found throughout the game’s 16 levels.
So, let’s track down each and every one of them! We will start, of course, at the beginning, delving into Evil West‘s tutorial chapter, “Questionable Cargo.” This guide will show players where to find all of the collectibles in Chapter 1: Questionable Cargo in Evil West.
All Chapter 1 Collectibles In Evil West
Chapter 1: Questionable Cargo sees Jesse and his mentor Edgar attacking a train as they try and track down the Sanguisuge known as Peter D’Abano. In order to stop a train and get information, they blow up a bridge, with the opening level seeing Jesse getting through the train-side wreckage to reach their lead: a smuggler named Chester Morgan. In this Chapter, there are a total of 11 collectibles with 2 Lore items and 9 Cash pick-ups. Below is a full breakdown of where to find all the items to collect in the mission.
Cash #1
Near the start of the level, you will receive your first prompt in the game to swing from a branch, taking you from a high cliffside to a lower part of the cliff. Once you land, turn around and you will find this pouch of gold sitting on the ground near the base of the cliff you were just standing atop.

Cash #2
Progress through the level until you reach your second enemy encounter where the game tutorials its dodge mechanic. After taking out all the enemies, there will be a train car at the opposite end of where you entered from. Don’t go in it just yet. Instead, turn around and make your way to the hurdle shown below. Hope over the cover and you will find a small chest to rip open and get some gold.

Cash #3
Once again facing the train car, there is a small cave entrance directly to the right of the car’s entrance. Go into this cave and you will find a pouch of gold sitting on the ground at the end of it.

Lore #1: Fragments of Inventory
You can now hop up into the train car to progress down the main path of the level. On the left side of the train car, you will find the first Lore collectible sitting on a pile of coffins.

Cash #4
Continue through the train car and return to the cliffside on the main path of the level. You will eventually reach another cave entrance where you will see a pouch of gold sitting on a crate directly to the left of the entrance. This is a fairly difficult one to miss as you will also get a tutorial on Cash pick-ups, as shown in the image below.

Cash #5
Continue through the cave where you will year the Uppercut move as well as the Quick Heal Ability, you will need to crouch through an opening to leave the cave. Once outside again, swing across a gap to reach the remnants of the train bridge and look to the right. You will find the Cash on the ground.

Cash #6
After defeating the first Jenu Giant (the tall enemy that appears by busting through wood covering a small cave), vault over the short fence out of the arena and look to the right and you will find the Cash on a box.

Cash #7
After you complete the next combat arena, you will climb on top of some box carts. There is a branching path up here with a wooden bridge to the left. take this bridge and you will reach a cart turned on its side. Drop down into the cart and pick up the gold inside.

Lore #2: Chester Morgan’s Letter
Return to the main path and go down the hill at the end of the row of destroyed carts. Run down to the second burning box cart and you will find the Lore to the right sitting on top of a coffin.

Cash #8
Progress through the mission’s main path until you reach a point where you need to climb up a long chain to reach the top of a cliff. Once at the top, you will find a glowing crate on top of another box. Destroy the glowing crate and you will be able to collect the Cash within.

Cash #9
The final collectible of the level is found right after the previous collectible. Crouch through an opening and run up a small slope to find a burning tree. Look to the right to find the pouch of gold sitting on a box.

With all of that found, you now have all of the collectibles in Chapter 1: Questionable Cargo for Evil West. You can now continue to the next mission, Chapter 2: The Raid.
Stay tuned to Gameranx for guides, tips, and tricks on the achievements of Evil West!
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