Tunic is the kind of game that’s as maddening as it is addictive. As you navigate the overworld, trying to figure out what to do and where to go next, it can feel like beating your head against a wall. Still, the design of the game and its endless surprises will likely keep you going until you hit a roadblock. One of these that you’ll find yourself hitting around the halfway point of Tunic will be the Siege Engine. Worry not; we’ll tell you how to rid yourself of this mechanical menace once and for all.
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How to Beat the Siege Engine in Tunic
For starters, you should have a certain amount of disposable dynamite by this point in the game. That means you can throw away a distinct amount of the item without going back and buying more because it will refill automatically if you die or return to a shrine. You can check the number by looking at the + symbol next to the dynamite in your menu. However many it says, stand a short way away, aim at the creature’s head and let those suckers rip. By the time he even stands up, you can have up to a quarter of his health down this way.
The Siege Engine has a lot of moves, and they all hit like a tank, so you will need to be light on your feet in this battle. If you haven’t learned how to run yet, you’ll have to learn now if you want to succeed because running is how you will avoid two of this creature’s most devastating attacks. Both the large laser blast and the rapid-fire laser shots are best evaded by running.

When these attacks occur, release the lock-on button and hold the examine/dodge button to make your fox run like the dickens. Keep dashing to the left and around the back of the Siege Engine, where a second weak point will be exposed for you to attack safely. You can do this anytime the creature is distracted, but it’s easiest during these two attacks.
Next up are its two swipe attacks. Roll forward into or under the Siege Engine for the wide swing to avoid it. The second one, a slam attack, is much harder to avoid, but you can do so by waiting for it to line up and then rolling to the left or right. The Siege Engine can also send out flying enemies that are best just ignored and a set of three flame attacks.
The flames will home in on your location, so when one stops next to you, run away or roll away from it. If you’re lucky, the blast can damage the boss as well. You’ll also notice that when the boss does this attack, you can take a few quick swings at its back weak point, which it exposes during this move. Finally, you might want to save your last fire blasts or a couple of disposable bombs for the end of the fight to ensure he doesn’t get the best of you in the last phase. Either way, with these tips in mind, you should be able to crush this big jerk in no time. Also, feel free to check out the video of our fight with this creature to get the nuance of the battle down more succinctly.