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The best part of the anime series Cyberpunk Edgerunners right alongside the setting of Night City is the cast of characters that the story follows. With many players returning to 2020’s Cyberpunk 2077 following the reception for the series. With the game being an RPG, it is possible to make a character that has a playstyle similar to the characters in Edgerunners. So, let’s take a look at how to play like Night City’s premiere Netrunner, Lucy. This guide will show you how to build a character and play like Lucy in Cyberpunk 2077.
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How To Make A Lucy Build In Cyberpunk 2077
This guide will be broken down into three sections, each one focusing on a different part of the Lucy Build. First, we will focus on what Cyberware you will need to implant to truly feel like you are playing as the highly capable Netrunner. Following that will be the Gear and Weapons you can use to really bring the fight as Lucy. Finally, we will look at the Stats and Skills that you should invest in to build your character like the Edgerunner character.
Lucy’s is referred to many times as the best Netrunner in Night City, so there are two primary pieces of Cyberware that we are going to want to focus on: A good Cyberdeck and her Monowires. Cyberdecks are used by Netrunners to hack into things such as cameras, turrets, and even an enemy’s Cyberware. Each one comes with a different number of slots for Quickhacks, abilities that you use when hacking an enemy, different amounts of RAM, which is basically a bar that each Quickhack takes a certain amount of to use, and a number of Buffer spots, which gives you the number of inputs you can use when you use your Break Protocol or Datamine Hack as well as a few unique bonuses. Meanwhile, Monowires is a piece of Arms Cyberware
Rather fitting due to her backstory, the Cyberdeck that you are going to want to get is the Arasaka Cyberdeck MK.4. This Cyberdeck is preinstalled with the Quickhacks Distract, Remote Activation, Take Control, Breach Protocol, Steal Data, Overload, Friendly Mode, Assist Mode. It comes with 10 Base RAM, an 8 Buffer Size, and 6 Quickhack Slots. You can buy this Cyberdeck from the Ripperdoc in the Downtown area of the City Center region for 28,000 Eddies. You must be at Street Cred Level 50. When it comes to the best Monowires to use in your build for Lucy, you are going to want to get your hands on the Legendary Variant of the Monowire, which you can get from either the Wellsprings in Heywood or Downtown in City Center Ripperdocs in the 45 Street Cred for 35650 Eddies

As for other Cyberware that you want to use, it is going to be helpful to your hacking abilities. Some of these items include the Tyrosine Injector in the Circulatory System as well as the Ex-Disk and/or the Camillo RAM Manager for the Frontal Cortex. The Lynx Paws could also be a great addition as they will allow you to move and run more quietly. Outside of those choices, Lucy doesn’t really have much other Cyberware that is clearly used throughout the series, so you can either let a lot of your Cyberware slots remain empty or you can get a little creative and use what you want to use.
Gear and Weapons
Unfortunately, there aren’t any outfits or clothing that really capture Lucy’s look from the anime, but some fans on PC have taken it upon themselves to mod her outfit into the game. You can find the link to the Lucy Outfit mod on NexusMods here. When it comes to weaponry, Lucy is shown throughout the series to mostly engage in combat via her hacking abilities with her Cyberdeck as well as her Monowire, which we have already touched on. Out of all the firearms in the game, we see Lucy use a Nue Pistol as her weapon of choice in the series. This is a very common pistol found across Night City. You can purchase the Legendary Variant of the Pistol from the Weapon Vendor in Rancho Coronado found in the Santo Domingo region at Street Cred Level 37.

Stats and Skills
The four main stats that we are going to focus on for Lucy are Intelligence, Body, Reflexes, and Cool. Intelligence is the most important out of these four since you are going to want to unlock as many Daemons and improve your Quickhacks as much as possible. With that said, make sure you max out Intelligence to Level 20. I would also recommend getting Reflexes up to 20 so that the Blades perks can be used to their full potential as well. The other Skills can be a bit lower, though I suggest you get them all up to a minimum of Level 15.
Delving into the Perks, I will provide a list of some of the best ones that you can pick within these central Skills:
Break Protocol-
- Mass Vulnerability- Unlocks the Mass Vulnerability Daemon, which reduces the Physical Resistance for all enemies in the network by 30% for 3 / 6 minutes (No Intelligence Level Requirement)
- Almost In!- Increases the breach time for Breach Protocol by 20% / 40% (Requires Intelligence Level 5)
- Mass Vulnerability: Resistances- Upgrades the Mass Vulnerability Daemon, reducing all Resistance for enemies in the network by 30% (Requires Intelligence Level 7)
- Total Recall- The ICEpick daemon reduces all Quickhack cost by an additional 1 RAM unit(s) (Requires Intelligence Level 11)
- Turret Tamer- Unlocks the Turret Tamer daemon, which sets the status of every turret, in the network to friendly for 3 / 6 minutes (Requires Intelligence Level 12)
- Mass Vulnerability: Quickhacks- Upgrades the Mass Vulnerability Daemon, causing enemies in the network to also take 30% more damage from Quickhacks (Requires Intelligence Level 16)
- Totaler Recall- The ICEpick daemon reduces all Quickhack costs by an additional 1 RAM unit(s) (Requires Intelligence Level 16)
- Head Start- Automatically uploads the first Daemon in the list at the start of Breach Protocol (Requires Intelligence Level 18)
- Transmigration-Increases the breach time of Breach Protocol by 50%. +5% per Perk Level (Requires Intelligence and Breach Protocol Level 20)
- Bloodware- Quickhacks deal 10% / 20% / 30% more damage (No Intelligence Level Requirement)
- I SPY- Reveals an enemy Netrunner when they’re attempting to hack you (Requires Intelligence Level 5)
- Forget-Me-Not- Eliminating a target affected by a Quickhack instantly recovers 1 RAM unit(s) (Requires Intelligence Level 5)
- Daisy Chain- Eliminating a target affected by a Quickhack reduces the existing cooldowns for all other active Quickhacks by 10% / 35% / 50% (Requires Intelligence Level 7)
- Signal Support- Increases Quickhacks duration by 25% / 50% (Requires Intelligence Level 9)
- Subliminal Message- Quickhacks deal 25% / 50% more damage to unaware targets (Requires Intelligence Level 11)
- Critical Error- Quickhacks can now deal Crit Hits based on your Crit Chance and Crit Damage stats (Requires Intelligence Level 16)
- Master RAM Liberator- Increases RAM recovery rate by 50%. +1 per Perk level (Requires Intelligence and Quickhacks Level 20)
- Desperado- Increases damage with Pistols and Revolvers by 3% / 6% / 10% (Requires Reflexes Level 5)
- Steady Hand- Reduces Pistol and Revolver recoil by 30% (Requires Reflexes Level 9)
- A Fistful of Eurodollars- Increases Crit Damage with Pistols and Revolvers by 10% / 20% (Requires Reflexes Level 11)
- Wild West- Removes the damage penalty from Pistols and Revolvers when shooting from a distance (Requires Reflexes Level 14)
- The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly- After a successful Crit Hit with a Pistol or Revolver, damage and Armor increase by 30% for 5 seconds. +1% per Perk Level (Requires Reflexes and Handguns Level 20)
- Roaring Waters- Strong attacks with Blades deal 30% / 40% / 50% more damage (No Reflexes Level Requirement)
- Crimson Dance- Combos with Blades have a 15% / 30% chance to apply Bleeding (Requires Reflexes Level 4)
- Blessed Blade- Increases Crit Chance with Blades by 20% (Requires Reflexes Level 10)
- Float Like a Butterfly- Dodging increases damage with Blades by 25% / 50% for 5 seconds (Requires Reflexes Level 12)
- Judge, Jury, and Executioner- Increases damage with Blades by 50% / 75% / 100% against enemies with max Health (Requires Reflexes Level 15)
- Deathbolt- While wielding a Blade, defeating an enemy restores 20% Health and increases movement speed by 30% for 5 seconds (Requires Reflexes Level 18)
- Dragon Strike- Increases Crit Damage with Blades by 25%. +1% per Perk Level (Requires Reflexes and Blades Level 20)
- Invincible- Increase max Health by 10% / 20% / 30% (Requires Body Level 5)
- Soft on your Feet- Reduces fall damage by 5% / 10% / 20% (Requires Body Level 7)
- Steel and Chrome- Increases melee damage by 10% / 20% (Requires Body Level 9)
- Cardio Cure- Health regenerates 25% faster as you move (Requires Body Level 12)
- Dog of War- Increases Health regen in combat by 15% / 20% (Requires Body Level 16)
- Wolverine- Health regen activates 50% / 90% faster during combat (Requires Body Level 16)
- Indestructible- Reduces all incoming damage by 10% (Requires Body Level 20)
- Crouching Tiger- Increases movement speed while sneaking by 20% (No Cool Level Requirement)
- Hidden Dragon- Allows you to perform non-lethal aerial takedowns on unaware targets (Requires Cool Level 5)
- Leg Up- Movement speed after a successful takedown is increased by 30% for 10 seconds (Requires Cool Level 7)
- Assassin- Deal 15% more damage to human enemies (Requires Cool Level 7)
- Detection time is increased by 20% / 40% (Requires Cool Level 12)
- Restorative Shadows- While in stealth, increases Health regen by 25% (Requires Cool Level 16)
- Cheat Death- When your Health drops below 50%, reduce all incoming damage by 50% for 10 sec. Cannot occur more than once per minute (Requires Cool Level 18)
Cold Blood-
- Cold Blood- After defeating an enemy, gain Cold Blood for 10 seconds. and increase movement speed by 2%. Stacks up to 1/2/3 time(s) (No Cool Level Requirement)
- Frosty Synapses- Reduces Quickhack cooldowns by 3% / 6% per stack of Cold Blood (Requires Cool Level 7)
- Critical Condition- Increases the duration of Cold Blood by 5 / 10 seconds (Requires Cool Level 7)
- Blood Brawl- While Cold Blood is active, increases damage with melee weapons by 5% / 10% (Requires Cool Level 12)
- Predator- Increases attack speed by 10% / 30% per stack of Cold Bood (Requires Cool Level 12)
- Pain is an Illusion- While Cold Blood is active, reduces damage taken by 5% (Requires Cool Level 18)
These are the perks that I would definitely say are great for your Lucy build but don’t feel like you are locked in with just using these perks. Explore the extensive perk library and feel free to add a few to your setup.

With all that done, you can now start playing Cyberpunk 2077 as Lucy. Good luck, Edgerunners!
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