One of the central themes of Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales is not only Miles learning how to be Spider-Man but also his connection with the people of New York. This is reflected in the new Social Feed section of the game’s menu, allowing you to get “real-time” updates from people as the story progresses. While this seems like a nice little cosmetic feature, there is also one Trophy tied to it that you can easily miss if you’re not looking for it. This guide will show players how to get the Socially Acceptable trophy in Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales.
How To Get The Socially Acceptable Trophy In Spider-Man: Miles Morales
The Socially Acceptable trophy is actually fairly easy to get if you know where to look. Open up your menu that includes your map, suits, gadgets, and just about everything else you would need in the game. One of these tabs is the Social Feed. Tabbing over to this menu you will see members of the community discussing the events of the game with Miles replying to some of them, making the events feel like they affect the everyday citizens and makes Miles truly feel like a Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man.
When you finish the game, the Social Feed will no longer update. With the feed now fully completed. You will be able to get the Socially Acceptable Trophy. With the game finished, tab over to the Social Feed and simply scroll all the way down. Once you reach the bottom of the timeline, you will unlock the trophy.

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