Welcome to the cozy coldness of World 4: Winter Horns. The chilly abandoned cityscape is where you’ll find some trickier Kirby and the Forgotten Land missions — secrets abound in these areas, and you’ll be challenged to beat bosses (and minibosses) in very specific ways. You’ll trick through frozen cities, underground metro stations, flooded industrial sectors, and bridges packed with tough beast pack baddies. If you’re new to Kirby games, this might feel like the end. You will face off against the enigmatic King of the Beast Pack, but longtime fans will know that the story is only just getting started. Before blazing ahead, here’s how to 100% everything in Winter Horns.
More Kirby and the Forgotten Land guides:
World 1: Natural Plains All Waddle Dees | World 2: Everbay Coast All Waddle Dees | World 3: Wondaria Remains All Waddle Dees | World 5: Originull Wasteland All Waddle Dees | World 6: Redgar Forbidden Lands | HAL Developer Room Easter Egg | How To Get Rare Stones | All Copy Abilities | Waddle Dee-Liveries Codes For Free Items
Level 1: Northeast Frost Street

Mission: Clear the stage
Mission: Save the hidden Waddle Dees
- Waddle Dee #1: At the first star, break the bomb block on the right side of the platforms to spawn a bridge. Use the Vending Mouthful Mode to blast through the two snowball-throwers and smash through the blue shutter.
- Waddle Dee #2: In the second section of the level, past the tilting platforms, you’ll find a yellow gate. Cross the crumbling blocks and shoot the target with Ranger Copy Ability. Inside the minigame, you need to shoot the moving target under the time limit. The upgraded Ranger is very good for this — just charge and release a barrage of blasts.
- Waddle Dee #3: On the last big tilting platform before the star door, look on the left wall for metal blocks and a bomb block. Shoot the bomb block to reveal this hidden Waddle Dee.
- Waddle Dee #4: At the tower of Stairs Mouthful Mode powers, climb up to the third set of stairs. Take it and travel left and drop down to the lower level. On the right, you can smash through the cracked wall to reach a Waddle Dee.

Mission: Destroy 4 animal snow sculptures
- Sculpture #1: At the start of the level, go forward and find the animal snow sculpture to the right of the enemy that rolls giant snowballs.
- Sculpture #2: Reach the first yellow star. The sculpture is in the corner to the right of the star behind a dead tree.
- Sculpture #3: Past the yellow gate minigame door in the second area, approach the second set of tilted towers. Go down the steps and around the corner.
- Sculpture #4: At the tower of Stairs Mouthful Mode powers, reach the third set of stairs. The sculpture is just to the right.
Mission: Find the side alley
- In the starting street, travel to the stairs guarded by a rolling snowball enemy. On the left, partially hidden behind a fence, there’s an alleyway entrance.

Mission: Reach the clocktower
- At the very end of the level, look to the back-left of the exit star. There’s a missing section of railing. Float to the left and you can reach the clocktower in the distance.
Level 2: Metro on Ice

Mission: Clear the stage
Mission: Save the hidden Waddle Dees
- Waddle-Dee #1: Clear the locked down enemy ambush and grab the Hammer that spawns. Continue to the metro concrete landing and hit the four star nails with the Hammer. The floor will slide open and reveal a hidden Waddle Dee.
- Waddle-Dee #2: Reward for completing the puzzle inside the first “secret passage” — the secret passage is revealed by hitting the three star nails with your Hammer ability. This is the second set of star nails in the second section of the map. You need to collect all five green shards to unlock the gate to the Waddle Dee.
- Waddle-Dee #3: Near the end of the second section of the map (the metro corridor) you’ll see a high scaffolding. Climb up and open the chest.
- Waddle-Dee #4: In the third section of the level, get the Cone Mouthful Mode by backtracking up the moving platforms. Then continue to the cargo containers that go forward-and-back on the ice. There’s a cracked floor on the right side you can smash through with the Cone. Enter the tunnel and ride the broken water pipe up to find this Waddle Dee.

Mission: Stand on top of 2 trains
- Train #1: Cross the first large open area of the map, you’ll find this train on your left after dodging two more seal bomber enemies. You can reach the top of the train from a scaffolding with a bomb enemy.
- Train #2: After the ice arena fight, look to the left for scaffolding. Climb up to reach the second train top.

Mission: Find 2 secret passages
- Passage #1: In the second area where you’re sidescrolling right through a metro passage, reach the second set of star nails. Hit all three nails to reveal a secret passage.
- Passage #2: The second secret passage is very close. To the right of the first secret passage, check the foreground-right corner. There’s a narrow path that leads to a Mouthful Mode power.

Mission: Check inside the shipping container
- In the third section, you’ll need to get the Cone Mouthful Mode power to reach the fourth Waddle Dee. Up on the moving cargo containers where the fourth Waddle Dee is located, cross the beam to the right and climb up to enter a shipping container.
Level 3: Windy, Freezing Seas

Mission: Clear the stage
Mission: Save the hidden Waddle Dees
- Waddle Dee #1: While crossing the windy first section of the map, you’ll move left and find two crates in the left foreground. Break through and move into the foreground to find a Pipe Mouthful Mode power. Use it to roll forward and smash a cracked wall further ahead in the level.
- Waddle Dee #2: In the boat section, progress through the ice barriers until you reach a wall of spikes. Lower the spikes by hopping off the boat and using the windmill switch. Then ram the boat into the ice block to the left of the dock.
- Waddle Dee #3: Continue to the exit of the boat section of the level. At the exit star, collect a Fire Copy Ability and drop down to the hidden ledge on the right side — melt through the ice to save another Waddle Dee.
- Waddle Dee #4: In the third section of the map with the wind blowing you toward the background, look for a Lantern Switch on the left side. Activate it and follow the coins to a lower area on the right.
- Waddle Dee #5: Late in the third section, in the windy passage, look for a hole you can jump to in a left-hand corner, between the two Lifts. Drop down into the hole and then solve the minigame puzzle to launch yourself up and into this Waddle Dee’s secret alcove.

Mission: Find a cave that’s safe from the wind
- The hidden cave is found directly left of the first Waddle Dee spot — the cracked wall you need the Pipe to break through. To fight against the strong wind, try using the Fire Copy Ability jump attack to boost forward. Just keep using it and you’ll eventually get inside!

Mission: Enjoy 3 meals at sea
- Meal #1: In the second section, you’ll acquire a Ring Power and a boat. The first meal on the water is right next to the boat. You practically can’t miss it.
- Meal #2: Continue on the path, smashing through the ice blocks until you reach the right corner with a bomb-throwing seal. You’ll find a meal there.
- Meal #3: After hopping off the boat to activate a Windmill Switch, the meal is to the left near the three biting enemies.

Mission: Jump into the secret underground room
- In the third section of the map with the strong wind blowing you forward, go far into the section until you reach a frozen Lift. Past that, continue until you reach the passage with the second (unfrozen) Lift. On the left side, there’s a trick bottomless pit you can jump down into. If you look down, you’ll see a sign with a pointer.
Level 4: The Battle of Blizzard Bridge

Mission: Clear the stage
Mission: Save the hidden Waddle Dees
- Waddle Dee #1: After the battle against Wild Edge, look for a crack in the bridge tower to the left. Get the Sword Copy Ability inside to cut down the Cone Mouthful ability, then use it to breack the cracked floor below.
- Waddle Dee #2: After the Fleurina fight, enter the right cracked wall. Get a Tornado ability, then gust by the windmill switch to open the gate, and hit the star switch to raise the underwater platforms. Possess the Vending Mouthful mode and jump the gaps to reach the cracked blue shutter.
- Waddle Dee #3: Defeat the third miniboss and collect his Hammer ability. Use it on the wooden stump on the right to reveal the hidden minigame room. You need to activate the timed switches and go Mouthful Mode with the car to reach Waddle Dee.
- Waddle Dee #4: After the third miniboss, go to the cracked section of bridge and look down. Kirby can float down, grab the Waddle Dee near the cold water, then float back up safely.
- Waddle Dee #5: Found in the last minigame room. After the fourth miniboss, look on the righthand side for a passage leading behind the tower. Use Ice to put out the fire blocks and you can go inside. Solve the puzzle and you’ll earn this Waddle Dee.

Mission: Remove 4 wanted posters
- Wanted Poster #1: The first wanted poster is in the side-path after the Wild Edge fight. Enter the broken wall to the left after the miniboss, then drop down to the bottom. There’s a wanted poster on the left wall.
- Wanted Poster #2: In the second minigame room, complete the puzzle and new blocks will appear to lead to the exit. Before leaving, hop up onto the block that appeared high near the exit door. It leads to an optional path with more stuff.
- Wanted Poster #3: Found to the left of the entrance to the third minigame room, under the Sector 01 wall. To enter, defeat the third miniboss and use the Hammer ability on the wooden stump in the right-hand alcove.
- Wanted Poster #4: Inside the fourth minigame room. Get the Tube Mouthful Mode and crash through the cracked wall. The poster is on the wall high in the broken wall alcove.

Mission: Beat Twin Wild Frosty without getting hit
- This is one of the trickier missions to complete. I recommend unlocking the Homing Bomb Copy Ability upgrade. Purchase a damage buff consumable from Waddle Dee Village to deal more damage faster.
- Use any ranged abilities — or just spit stars back at the minibosses.

Mission: Take a detour and find a Maxim Tomato
- Right at the start of the level, go to the ruins to the left of the towers. There’s a space in the rubble that Kirby can fit through that leads to this tomato. Very tricky to find!
Level 5: An Unexpected Beast King

Mission: Clear the stage
Mission: Swallow King Dedede’s hammer
- At the start of the second phase, Dedede will drop his hammer. While the hammer is on the ground, Kirby can swallow it up.
Mission: Clear without guarding
- Very easy if you’re like me. Never touch those [ZR / ZL] buttons. You can take damage, just don’t guard!
Mission: Clear within 1:30
- Get a Damage Buff consumable from the Waddle Dee shop to deal more damage faster and get the Dragon Fire upgrade. This will drain the king’s health bar super-fast.
Mission: Clear without taking any damage
- To deal the most damage fastest and avoid his attacks, I recommend getting a Damage Buff consumable and using the Dragon Fire upgrade. Take your time and dodge all his attacks, only using your fire when you’re safe. Don’t rush the fight, and you’ll be able to bring him down!
- Watch out for his tricky attacks. When he sprints at you quickly, jump and float or he’ll hit you. During the second phase, he’ll attack many times with his giant pillar. Dodge and wait for him to perform a massive ground slam. Those are way easier to dodge and give you plenty of time to attack.
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