Seed: 671954723
This seed is loaded with a ton of diamonds and NPC villages so you’ll always have something to do.
- Diamond Spot # 1: X: -96 Y: 12 Z: 178
- Diamond Spot # 2: X: -77 Y: 13 Z: 209
- Diamond Spot # 3: X: -139 Y: 14 Z: 48
- Diamond Spot # 4: X: -198 Y: 15 Z: 46
- Diamond Spot # 5: X: -198 Y: 14 Z: -142
- Diamond Spot # 6: X: -126 Y: 14 Z: -250
- Diamond Spot # 7: X: -116 Y: 14 Z: -76
- Diamond Spot # 8: X: -62 Y: 14 Z: -94
- NPC Village #1 X: 296 Y: 72 Z: 309
- NPC Village #2 X: -276 Y: 73 Z: -173
- NPC Village #3 X: 121 Y: 71 Z: 73
- NPC Village #4 X: 346 Y: 70 Z: 102
- End Portal: X: 102 Y: 26 Z: 42
- Library: X: 158 Y: 37 Z: 13
- Library: X: 142 Y: 35 Z:-9
- Mineshaft: X: -291 Y: 39 Z: 307
- Sand Temple: X:-403 Y: 69 Z: 11
- Mob Spawner: X: -203 Y: 14 Z: -97
Seed: 89804430532978560
This particular seed is absolutely empty of trees, with very little landmass in the form of islands. An interesting map if you’re playing in Survival mode.
Seed: Theycallmediamonds29
This seed spawns the player in a location with 4 villages, a desert and jungle temple, a witch hut, a stronghold library, and endroom. There are tons of diamonds within this seed at the following coordinates:
- 381, 12, 339 (4)
- 381, 13, 347 (6)
- 163, 4, 62 (4)
- 163, 12, 218 (8)
- 149, 13, 109 (4)
- 144, 14, 162 (4)
- 159, 9, 96 (5)
- 159, 8, 178 (4)
- 159, 8, 194 (5)
- 141, 8, 102 (4)
- 142, 10, 122 (8)
- 160, 4, 75 (2)
- -154, 12, 130 (6)
- -45, 15, 26 (4)
- -110, 13, 114, (4)
- -124, 12, 74 (6)
- -125, 12, 45 (6)
- -132, 14, 111 (10)
- 111, 4, 163 (4)
- 6, 7, 223 (6)
Previous Seeds
Seed: -8552911835434547704
This Minecraft seed spawns players in a ravine that contains a lot of coal and some iron. There’s a little village by the spawn and a temple containing diamond horse armor and a lot of gems.
Seed: -4344622374139120669
This seed contains three temples and a desert village alongside a whole bunch of diamonds. Here are the coordinates you’ll need to get to their locations:
- Jungle Temple: X: 137 Y: 79 Z: -203
- Desert Temple: X: 298 Y: 75 Z: -262
- Jungle Temple X: -858 Y: 90 Z: -1433
Seed: -7447279659038168196
This seed gives you a bunch of emeralds at the beginning and a vilage with a saddle to tame a horse right at the very start.