Seed #2: 6273005969932549201
- This is a classic world size with a large biome scale seed. Nearby will be a massive mushroom island and woodland mansion.
- Ocean Monument #1
- X: 337, Z: 231
- Ocean Monument #2
- X: 306, Z: -166
- Ocean Monument #1
- This seed posted by ibxtoycat offers a wide assortment of villages and woods. Likewise, there’s a number of different temples to grab up loot. Noted to have a classic world size with small biomes scale.
- Village #1
- X: 286, Z: 263
- Village #2
- X: 79, Z: 135
- Village #3
- X: 23, Z: -191
- Village #4
- X: -156, Z -215
- Village #5
- X: -200, Z: -388
- Village #6
- X: -407, Z: -218
- Village #7
- X: -401, Z: 78
- Woodland Mansion
- X:28, Z: 50
- Jungle Temple
- X: 383, Z: -153
- Desert Temple
- X: -166, Z: -229
- Stronghold (Dig Down)
- X: -125, Z: 143
- Village #1
- Another seed posted by ibxtoycat, this world will have a couple villages along with temples, a woodland mansion, mob spawners, and more.
- Village #1
- X: 32, Z: 271
- Village #2
- X: 291, Z: 120
- Woodland Mansion
- X: 254, Z: 27
- Desert Temple
- X: 357, Z: -179
- Jungle Temple
- X: 41, Z: -421
- Jungle Temple #2
- X: 53, Z: -250
- Witch Hut
- X: -246, Z: -395
- Ocean Monument
- X: -338, Z: -234
- Ocean Monument #2
- X: -214, Z: 24
- Stronghold
- X: -3, Y: 35, Z: 59
- Abandoned Mineshaft
- X: -207, Y: 18, Z: -240
- Mob Spawner (Spider)
- X: -266, Y: 20, Z: -237
- Mob Spawner #2 (Spider)
- X: -240, Y: 14, Z: -290
- Village #1
WHY (All Caps)
- This small classic world with small scale biomes posted by DanRobzProbz has a number of woodland mansions and temples to gather loot quick.
- Woodland Mansion #1
- X: -99, Z: 248 (Spawn)
- Woodland Mansion #2
- X: 150, Z: 186
- Woodland Mansion #3
- X: 90, Z: -251
- Woodland Mansion #4
- X: -59, Z: -130
- Stronghold (Dig Down)
- X: 41, Z: 277
- Desert Temple/Village
- X: 333, Z: 350
- Desert Temple #2
- X: 364, Z: -197
- Witch Hut
- X: 332, Z: 71
- Village #2
- X: 1, Z: 15
- Woodland Mansion #1
- If you’re looking for a small classic world filled with content to explore or harvest then DanRobzProbz has a perfect seed to make use of. Take a look at what all you can gather down below.
- Village #1
- X: 18, Z: 133
- Village #2
- X: 356, Z: 55
- Village #3
- X: 369, Z: 290
- Village #4
- X: -144, Z: 369
- Village #5
- X: 328, Z: -431
- Woodland Mansion #1
- X: 248, Z: -145
- Woodland Mansion #2
- X: -283, Z: -232
- Desert Temple #1 (Right next to Woodland Mansion #1)
- X: 248, Z: – 145
- Desert Temple #2
- X: 304, Z: 76
- Desert Temple #3
- X: -163, Z: 119
- Mob Spawner #1 (Zombie)
- X: 165, Y: 59 Z: 297
- Mob Spawner #2 (Zombie)
- X: 86, Y: 67, Z: 396
- Mob Spawner #3 (Spider)
- X: -207, Y:61, Z: 92
- Mob Spawner #4 (Skeleton)
- X: -186, Y: 60, Z: 87
- Stronghold (Dig Down)
- X: -65, Z: 302
- Village #1