The Season of Dawn is here, and the winter season for Destiny 2 includes new weapons, new rewards, and loads of new activities to take part in.
The biggest new activity is the Sundial — a remix of the Menagery game mode. The Sundial is a PvE dungeon with randomly generated elements, where you’ll fight through different nodes with a team of allies and earn tailored rewards. The more you play, the more rewards you’ll get — and using a few methods, you can increase the amount of loot you get.
You can do more than double your loot — you can triple and quadruple it with enough unlocks. Anything to earn loot faster is good in my book, and below I’ll explain how to earn the maximum amount of weapon rewards at the end of each Sundial run.
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How To Double Your Sundial Rewards | Better Farming Guide
The Sundial is very similar to the Menagerie from previous seasons — and you can upgrade your artifact to tailor your rewards. At the end of each Sundial run, you can collect a gun reward. It’s possible to earn 2, 3, or 4 rewards.
- Sundial Bounties also give good rewards — many of these are very, very easy. Perfect for grinding while doing runs.
To earn +2 or +3 gun rewards, you’ll need to unlock the Temporal Slipstream upgrades. There are two, and each one gives you one bonus gun reward at the end of the Sundial. You can also earn one bonus gun reward thanks to a very common glitch — one that’s almost identical to the double reward glitch from the Menageria.
To get an extra weapon reward at the end of your Sundial run, follow these steps — or check out this video by Youtuber Cheese Forever.
- Complete the Sundial run and open the terminal.
- Claim your weapon and immediately back-out before the reward pop-up.
- After the activity awards, wait 10 seconds then claim a second weapon.
If it doesn’t work, try backing away from the terminal, or waiting 10 seconds after backing out. The trick is to be as quick as possible — especially on PC. This works much easier on PS4 and Xbox One. Try lowering your FPS to 30 / 60 and limiting it — that makes this glitch much easier to pull off.
Once you spawn into the console are, just spam clicking the console until you get a reward, then immediately back-out before anything else happens. If you’re fast enough, it seems possible to claim a second reward.
There was a very similar bug available in the Menagerie. That one was a little easier to pull off — it was also completely untouched for a long time. So if Bungie are kind developers, they probably won’t fix this for a long time. Here’s hoping.