No different from its last-gen versions, Minecraft’s world generation is randomly generated based on “seeds”. It’s an almost limitless game world based on intricate algorithms. By default, the game grabs the current system time as the basic input for the starting values of a world and runs with that. However those seeds can be influenced, they can be copied and pasted into Minecraft’s underlying code, and thus renders the players able to go and recreate worlds.
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Minecraft forums, wikis and communities out on the web have started collecting some of the best and most interesting seeds that the game has to offer on the Xbox One. We’ve decided to collect some of the seeds and present them to you so you can use them to create a stunning world in Minecraft, should you choose.
The following selection of seeds is just a small sample of the countless worlds that the game can create on Minecraft for the Xbox One. With over 380 trillion unique and different worlds, the possibilities are endless.
Best Minecraft Xbox One Seeds
[NOTE: To enter a seed, input the BOLDED seed titles listed below into the Seed Generator.]
Latest Featured Seed
Someone found quite an unusual seed. Players will find an ocean monument, desert temple and pillar outpost right next to each other. Just make sure you take a boat and venture over to 203,62,212.
Okay now this is one cool spawn location. A player managed to come across a massive spiral mountain. We’re sure there are some pretty awesome builds you can do with this as your base.
Looking for an island focused seed? Check out this generation as it puts you on a large island but what makes it a little more interesting is that there are four different villages within the island.
Sometimes its nice having a bunch of locations nearby. Here’s an example of one as players can find a desert village, pillager outpost, desert temple, ruined portal, desert mansion, stronghold, and a trial chamber at 670,600.
Now here is an awesome collage. Someone managed to find a seed that mashes together an ancient city, a stronghold, and a trial chamber. Just venture over to -4013,-11,3638.
Looking for a solid place to build your base? Someone managed to come across a massive mountain that looks to be perfect to put down some roots. Best of all, it’s not far from spawn as it can be found 28,70,99.
In this seed you’re dropped right at a very convenient spawn location. Here you’ll find yourself surrounded by mountains. But within the area are two Woodland Mansions. So get ready to start a new game.
Here’s an interesting seed generation. This one will spawn you on a mountain that completely circles around a plot of land. What makes it more interesting is that within the plot of land are several structures like a Woodland Mansion and a Pillager Outpost.