Today is an important day for Sonic The Hedgehog fans, for as we reported yesterday, the third movie, which is the highest-grossing in the film trilogy, is now out on digital for fans to enjoy. You might have noticed this on social media via the various clips from the film already posted in HD. Thanks, guys. Anyway, while many will enjoy watching the film on digital platforms, the fans are also focusing on what’s coming next in the franchise. Specifically, the 4th film and beyond. We know that another movie is coming and will feature two new characters to the roster via Amy Rose and Metal Sonic. However, many fans have been asking for a different addition…
Specifically, as the tweet featuring a video clip with director Jeff Fowler proves, fans are asking for Silver The Hedgehog to appear in the next movie. There are even some fans who think that a piece of scrapped concept art points to how there was supposed to be a Silver inclusion, but it got deleted:
Some fans dispute this claim, but the fact remains that there is a contingent of Sonic fans who want to see Silver in the films, especially now that Shadow has been faithfully introduced. For those not in the know, Silver The Hedgehog was introduced in the 2006 game, which is the most-hated Sonic game ever. Yes, even more than Shadow’s solo title. It’s that bad.
Silver comes from the future, where Mobius, the planet that Sonic and his friends live on, is a ruin, and so Silver uses his mastery of time travel to try and fix the past so that the future has a chance. So, you know, he’s basically Cable from the X-Men. While the gaming version of Silver isn’t that beloved, the comic version is much more adored due to his more fleshed-out and complete story.
The twist here is that Sonic The Hedgehog 4 could have Silver be introduced in a special way, even with Amy and Metal Sonic being introduced. How so? Well, the past two films also had “teases” of who would be in the next movie via Tails and Shadow, but there were other characters introduced after via Knuckles and Gerald Robotnik. As such, the teaser at the end of the 3rd movie might highlight two key characters that will arrive but not the overall plot itself, which could involve Silver.
Or maybe Silver will make an appearance in the next end-credits scene! We’ll have to wait for 2027 to get the answer. It’s no use…thinking otherwise.