As you’ve undoubtedly heard by now, the Nintendo Switch went from having very light news about it to having all sorts of news about it! That’s because of the financial results that Nintendo dropped that detailed all sorts of things! The biggest takeaways were that the Switch successor will be revealed within the next fiscal year and that there will be a Nintendo Direct in June that’ll highlight the software the Switch will get in 2024. But tucked away within that financial report was a little detail about the game Princess Peach Showtime. That detail is that the game joined a great group of gamers in becoming million-sellers.
That’s right, Princess Peach Showtime was officially confirmed to have sold 1.22 million units by the end of March 2024, when the fiscal year ended. It’s important to remember that the game was released on March 22nd, which means that it crossed the million threshold in less than nine days, which is impressive for multiple reasons.
First off, while the reviews about the game were positive, you could also argue that they were stating this was going to be a “game for the casual player” and nothing more. Second, while Princess Peach is an icon of the gaming industry, you could also accurately note that her fame and importance are tied to other characters within the Nintendo ranks, such as Mario or Bowser. They often come as a “package set,” after all, in most games.
Third, she’s only had one solo video game in her history before the Nintendo Switch title, and that was on the Nintendo DS! An interesting point about that one is that it sold 1.7 million in its lifetime! That means that the Switch game is well on its way to surpassing it if it hasn’t already surpassed it by the end of last month.
So, what does this mean for Princess Peach on the whole? Simply put, it might be enough for Nintendo to look at things and go, “Hmm, maybe we should give Peach another solo title!” If nothing else, they know that people are up for playing her games, not unlike how they did a few tests with Luigi before growing his franchise a bit.
The costumes and stage gameplay did feel fresh to Peach, and so all they have to do now is expand it meaningfully and see where the fun takes them! We could be in the midst of the birth of a fresh new Nintendo franchise!