Many who play Splatoon 3 play it for the Splatfests, for reasons that we’ve already discussed many times here on GameRanx. However, if you have been playing the game since its launch, you’ll know that over time, the Splatfest topics have gone from somewhat “understandable” or “clever” things to rather “weird” and “out of left field” topics. We JUST came out of one about “Which fluffy animal do you prefer,” and now, the newest Splatfest has been announced…and it’s the opposite of cute! Instead, this Splatfest asks what you would do if you knew the end of the world was about to happen.
So, yeah, that happened! Obviously, the question now is, “What choices do we have for this apocalyptic debate?” Simply put, the choices revolve around how you would spend those last few days or weeks before the world ends. Would you:
Yeah, this topic is both philosophical and a bit horrifying all at the same time. After all, one of these does “seem like the obvious choice,” but let’s be honest here: not everyone will take that “obvious answer.” So, let’s break all of these down, shall we?
First up, the “Same Ol’” category. Arguably, this is the most depressing of the bunch. If the end of the world is coming, would you really just “stick to your routine” or not do anything special? As sad as it sounds, that is something that some would choose. They might be so depressed about the world ending that they decide to just “limp out with it” and do “what they know” before everything ends. After all, sometimes it’s human nature to just “give up” and allow things to happen.
Then, there’s the “Bucket List” option. Many of you out there will likely take this one because if you KNEW the world was going to end, you’d want to do everything you always said you would do but couldn’t before the world died. So, if you always wanted to travel to a place, by all means! Or if you want to say…climb Mt. Everest or dive into the deep ocean, the world is your oyster…for a limited time.
Finally, and arguably the most “Splatoon 3-style” answer, would you try to “Save The Day?” That’s a trick one to think about because it’s not said HOW the world was ending. Thus, you might not know if you CAN save the world from ending. But that’s what heroes do, right? Try the impossible?
Regardless of your choice, the next Splatfest goes from the 17th to the 19th.