It’s always good to hear that someone loves your product. It could be a video game, movie, TV show, comic book, or whatever you make if you know that many people love it and want more of its kind. Then you’re doing something right. For Bethesda, they wanted nothing more than to hear that people were interested in their title Starfield. It’s the first “new universe” that the company has made in 25 years, and they’ve been working on it for years to be as perfect as possible before launch. Fast forward to now, and the game got a huge endorsement.
On Twitter, God of War Director David Jaffe had some massive praise for the title. Not only did he say that gamers should get it, but that it was a “top 3 game of all time!” Here are his exact words:
“I’m console agnostic, y’all KNOW that. A great game is a great game. I say this because if you love games as well and don’t have an XBOX, you owe it to yourself to get Game Pass for a month and try out Starfield (even if just using cloud). It is easily one of my top 3 games of all time. Now your millage will vary of course, BUT if in the past you’ve found yourself realizing your taste and mine is similar ENOUGH, don’t let this childish console ‘war’ nonsense keep you away from this brilliant thing. If you love 1p action adventures, you owe it to yourself.”
So yeah, there’s a lot to process there. Not the least, he’s vying for people not to buy the title but play it on Game Pass instead. The logic is understandable, as Game Pass is cheaper than paying for a full title, but it’s still a curious ask.
On the other hand, the fact that he’s already played it for a while and then called it one of the best games ever? That’s high praise, indeed. He was wise to admit that not everyone will feel the same as him, which is both fair and true, but the intention of his compliment still stands.
Plus, you know that Bethesda will love this because it’s not just gamers or reviewers praising the title. They’ve got fellow game developers praising it too. When you combine this with the 2+ million copies already sold with Starfield, thanks to early access, you get a good start to possibly a very successful launch.