Arianne Advincula Communications Manager at Sega of America took to the PlayStation Blog to detail some helpful tips for their upcoming updated title — Persona 5: Royal!
Persona 5 is set to release tomorrow, March 31st for PS4 users and as we wait to finally get our hands on the game, this will be the perfect time to read up on some helpful tips for both newcomers and fans of the original title. These five tips will help you start the game with some knowledge about the game and its mechanics, instead of fiddling around when you start the game.
In addition to the helpful tips, Atlus and the PS Blog has released a brand new slew of desktop and mobile wallpapers. There pretty high quality and will have your phone/computer look like your part of the Phantom Thieves! Learn more about the wallpapers in tip number 5!
Check out the five helpful tips from the PS Blog for the highly anticipated title – -Persona 5: Royal down below:
1. Get to know your confidants.
A main staple in the Persona series, you can socialize with key relationships to gain bonuses in battle or access to cool stuff!
In Persona 5 Royal only, you can hang out with student counselor Maruki or new transfer student Kasumi. On top of that, you can even spend extra quality time with my favorite detective prince, Akechi!
2. Look out for Jose’s Shop in Mementos.
Not only is Jose adorable, his shop is full of useful items for phantom thievery. He’ll appear on the map and by trading stamps with him, you can alter effects within the procedurally-generated dungeon.

3. Take your time in the Thieves Den.
Want to play some card games with Ann, Yusuke, and Morgana? You can, here in the Thieves Den. This is the Phantom Thieves’ space where you can change into different outfits (and different characters), freely listen to new song “Colors Flying High,” view previous in-game cutscenes, and more.
4. Don’t forget, you’ve got all the DLC from the original Persona 5.
All DLC from the original Persona 5 is available for free for anyone with a copy of Persona 5 Royal. But the treasures don’t stop there, pre-order from PlayStation Store to receive a special Persona 5 Royal theme!
5. Don’t go to sleep early!
Despite what anyone or any cat may tell you, you should stay up a little bit later this time around. There’s even more awaiting in Persona 5 Royal that I didn’t get a chance to touch on.
To celebrate the game’s impending launch, we have exclusive Persona 5 Royal wallpapers to keep your phone or desktop looking cool like Joker. Click here to download the full-res versions!
In related news, Atlus has release a brand new accolades trailer for Persona 5: Royal which highlights the best part of the updated version of the game.
Persona 5 is one of the better titles to release this generation and with the upcoming updated version of the game slated to release tomorrow, gamers all around wait in anticipation to get their hands on the game. P5 Royal brings the best of Persona 5 and adds a ton of new features, story beats, and a brand new playable character! Check out the brand new accolades trailer right here!
Persona 5: Royal is set to release tomorrow on March 31st for the PS4. Are you excited for the upcoming updated title? Let us know in the comments below!