When it comes to video game movie adaptations, there are far and few that actually capture the essence of what a lot of fans felt for the source material. Of course, that can be said with just about any media that adapt source material for a different medium. Despite this, there are a few films that tend to do well and a personal favorite of mine was Silent Hill. The first film was directed by Christophe Gans who is apparently coming back to do another film from the franchise along with a new film based on Fatal Frame.
While Silent Hill has had its ups and downs, the series has become more or less a letdown as of late. There have been some rumors as well lately that may point to the franchise starting to get back into the video game market. Unfortunately, those are just rumors and Konami has yet to confirm anything at the moment. But, for Silent Hill fans, it looks like Christophe Gans is stepping back to the little town once again since his 2006 Silent Hill adaption released to theaters.
Silent Hill adapted the original video game narrative, though there were some elements that were taken from other installments. What the film really did right, in my opinion, was the set pieces. Everything looked like the town, from its early years to the decay after being transformed into the nightmarish hell we’re used to seeing. With little CGI work, the film production was able to craft sets for actors to play in while maintaining the storyline.
Speaking to a website known as Allocine, Christophe alerted readers that he was working on a new Silent Hill project along with Fatal Frame. We, unfortunately, we don’t know much of anything about either project. With that said, it’s worth pointing out that the Silent Hill: Revelations film was a big letdown for fans and that could give some potential viewers some hesitation from wanting to attend the films in the theater. While Silent Hill: Revelations was certainly a poorly reviewed and received film, Christophe was not involved in the project.
For now, we’ll have to wait and see just what each project will be featuring in the film adaptation. While we wait for the official details to make their way out to the public, what are you personally hoping to see from the films?