If you didn’t know, the Chinese government has actually imposed laws for online games regarding the drop rates of Online loot box based games. Blizzard has been the first to comply, altering Overwatch’s drop rates thusly: Every loot box awarded to a player contains at least one Blue (Rare) item. Additionally, the average drop rate for Purple (Epic) items is one item per 5.5 loot boxes. Similarly, the drop rate for Orange (Legendary) items is one drop every 13.5 loot boxes.
It should be noted that these alterations are only for China currently, but more regions could follow if governments decided to adopt legislation to appeal to these sorts of circumstances.
Essentially China’s goal of imposing the new laws is there to protect the consumer, every player should know what they are paying for. I mean, if we are offered to pay money in exchange for loot boxes, I think we deserve to know what exactly are we paying for. The full list of changes are available on the Chinese Overwatch page, here.
In other Overwatch news, the latest update on the PTR brings some nerfs and buffs to certain characters, Reaper fans rejoice!
Solider 76 sees a slight nerf with each bullet dealing 19 instead of 20 damage. Orissa also sees a nerf with damage with her Fusion Driver dealing 15 percent less damage, however, this is negated with a buff reducing cooldown from 12 seconds to 8 seconds. Reinhart’s Ultimate Earthshatter will now have an effective height of 2 meters instead of 3.
Reaper sees a pretty significant buff, as he enters wraith form his weapons are immediately reloaded. Other characters like Genji and Hanzo have also received slight buffs with the cooldown on attacks after wall-climbing being removed.
Overwatch is available now on PC, PS4 and Xbox One.
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