Palworld Sakurajima Update Officially Released
Here's what you need to know!
It's a good time to jump back in with your pals.
Capcom will continue adding frame rate improvements.
Say farewell to those stupid Shards.
At this point, isn't every character represented?
This is a scale of success that MachineGames definitely earned.
We think they actually want to make a brand new CvS.
Capcom will really want to get fans excited for Kunitsu-Gami: Path of the Goddess.
How many more awards can the Larian title snag?
It turns out Fromsoft read the negative reviews after all.
We should credit Microsoft for the bare minimum of keeping the game playable to consumers after delisting.
The product of Popov Power Plant destruction.
Gamers should be grateful about this, but it's also a wild state of affairs.
You may already be able to download this game on your chosen platform as we speak.
The devs continue to improve the once lackluster title.