69 Indie Games You Should Be Playing In 2025
Some of the best indie games available.
Whether you like sports titles or fantasy games, there's something here for you.
Discover the secrets of Frenzied Flames, Dr. Gurgula, the Golden Route and much more. Here are our favorite secret endings of 2022.
Tunic is the kind of game where so many abilities and secrets are hidden in plain sight that the game changes immeasurably as you play it.
Though you'll come across many strange items across your journey through Tunic, one of the most baffling is the golden coin.
Tunic is jam-packed with tough bosses and enemies and among the hardest is The Librarian. That's why we're going to tell you how to beat him.
Tunic is the kind of game that makes you work for every inch of progress, meaning the game can be a lot harder depending on what you know.
The many hidden items in the world of Tunic can give you a considerable edge and one of the easiest ones to miss is the Magic Dagger.
Tunic has its fair share of tough bosses and enemies but few are as intimidating as the Siege Engine you'll find in the Eastern Vault.
Though you'll start Tunic with just a stick and a lot of questions, it won't be long before you can get your hands on a sword and shield.
Channeling the energy of souls-likes and tough indie adventures, Tunic's combat is no joke and an early roadblock is the Garden Knight.
The world of Tunic can definitely take some getting used top but finding the secret shop early on can give you a serious edge in combat.
Have you ever played a game that made you pretend you'd bought it from another region? Welcome to the wonderful world of Tunic!
Looks like loads of fun!
Tunic wallpapers for 4K, 1080p HD and 720p HD resolutions. Download here for free!