Hotline Miami: Wildlife Comic Series Launches
Although Wildlife is not considered canon in the universe; it was given the blessing of Dennaton Studios.
Although Wildlife is not considered canon in the universe; it was given the blessing of Dennaton Studios.
The Star Trek Online game released a sizeable anniversary update.
The question "¿Quién es Sombra?" may finally be answered, as Blizzard teased a possible new hero.
Sony may be working on official PC support for the DualShock 4 controller.
The Witcher 3 is getting the GOTY treatment.
Here's every new name Codsworth can speak.
Last gen consoles will experience a $20 price cut.
Hand's up! Strategy adventure game "This is the Police" arrives to PC at the end of July.
The Dewbauchee Seven-70 will come in handy as you embark on Power Play maps that take you to three new places in Los Santos.
Blizzard Entertainment goes to legal war with Bossland GMBH
On PC, PS4 & Xbox One: Become a true Jedi Knight with all the tips and tricks you'll need to earn every trophy / achievement.
On PC, PS4 & Xbox One: Explore the customization options in Battlefield 1 -- what's been confirmed, and what we expect to see.
Check out Dan Bull's latest rap performance.
Battlefield 1's campaign details have been leaked.
On PC, PS4, Xbox One & WiiU: Raid the Resistance for collectibles with Kylo Ren and our complete minikits guide for 'Ottegan Assault'.
On PC, PS4, Xbox One & WiiU: Join up with the First Order and play as Captain Phasma in 'Trouble Over Taul' -- then get every collectible with these locations.
On PC, PS4, Xbox One & WiiU: The mysterious Crimson Corsair hunts for treasure (and collectibles) with our next bonus stage locations guide.
On PC, PS4 & Xbox One: Search the galaxy to uncover every extra minikit hidden with our complete locations guide.
On PC, PS4, Xbox One & WiiU: Learn the origins of Han's monster smuggling scheme on the 'Rathtar Hunting' bonus collectibles guide.
Return to the mad world of the Painter's House through the eyes of his daughter.
On PC, PS4, Xbox One & WiiU: Continue your bonus adventures and grab all the collectibles in our 'Lor San Tekka's Return' locations guide.
On PC, PS4, Xbox One & WiiU: Explore the expanded adventures of LEGO The Force Awakens with our collectibles guide for 'Poe to the Rescue'.
Learn the ins and outs of the new Competitive Play mode in Overwatch, straight from Blizzard's Scott Mercer.