Star Wars: Battlefront – How to Unlock the Bo Rifle | Secret Weapon Guide
On PC, PS4 & Xbox One: Unlock the rare CJ-9 Bo-Rifle in Star Wars: Battlefront with this quick guide -- explaining how to get it, and why it's so special.
On PC, PS4 & Xbox One: Unlock the rare CJ-9 Bo-Rifle in Star Wars: Battlefront with this quick guide -- explaining how to get it, and why it's so special.
On iOS & Android: Learn how to enter the Loot State to complete all research instantly -- just be fast, this event is limited time only.
On iOS: Don't miss out on the trickiest collectibles in Super Mario Run with this simple guide explaining where to get every Black Coin.
On PC, PS4 & Xbox One: Visit Hell over the holiday with these creative custom campaigns for DOOM (2016), all designed in-game with SnapMap.
The limitations on PS4 modding for Fallout 4 are pretty terrible, but there are still great mods out there. Here are some of the best available so far.
On iOS: Unlock even more stages in Super Mario Run with unique My Kingdom pipes. Learn how to unlock all three stages right here.
On iOS: Make Toads cheer with these flashy hidden moves in Super Mario Run. The more stylish the performance, the more Toads you'll attract in Toad Rally.
On iOS: Decorate your kingdom in Super Mario Run with the first content drop. Don't miss out on these holiday themed items, only available until 1/4/17.
On iOS: Yes, you can backtrack in Super Mario Run stages -- it isn't just about running right, you can fly left too. Learn about that and how to stop here.
Unlock five bonus friends in Super Mario Run for iOS -- just follow these simple steps. You'll need to save the Princess, then recruit a whole lot of Toads.
Import your save file (or create a new backstory) in The Walking Dead: A New Frontier from almost any platform. Just follow these steps.
Only on 3DS: With these three tips, you can effectively double the amount of XP earned by your favorite Pokemon.
On Xbox One & PS4: Give yourself the gift of speed this holiday season with hidden and special Sparrows exclusive to The Dawning live event.
On Xbox One & PS4: Three new variant Exotics are available in Destiny's The Dawning holiday event and we know how to get them. Learn more here.
On PS4 & Xbox One: Check back daily during Destiny's "The Dawning" event to see what items are available to unlock. There's a new one every day!
Only on Xbox One: Start charging that Megabuster, because you can take control of Zero in Dead Rising 4 with this awesome Exo upgrade.
Only on 3DS: The first Global Mission in Pokemon Sun / Moon was a pretty big failure, but you can still claim rewards for participating. Don't miss out!
On Android & iOS: New Pokemon have finally arrived. Here's how to get these bright baby Pokemon -- why they're exclusive, and how many steps are required.
Only on 3DS: Find the rarest aquatic Pokemon with these specific fishing spots. This is your best shot at capturing Relicanth, Dhelmise, Feebas and more.
Only on Xbox One: Document all your friends and enemies in Dead Rising 4 with all 16 'Persons of Interest' story locations.
Only on Xbox One: Construct zombie-crushing tools of destruction with the most powerful weaponry with these blueprint locations.
Only on Xbox One: Upgrade Frank West with bonus skills that can only be unlocked with these Training Manuals.
Only on Xbox One: Earn easy XP with these optional collectible side-quests. See where to find all 22 Personal Mysteries in Willamette.
Only on Xbox One: Track down Frank West's journalistic disciple with these backstory-fulfilling cloud upload entries.