Yoimiya is truly coming after Ganyu for most reruns of a Bow character. Yoimiya returns to the Genshin Impact event banner for the fourth time. Running alongside Yae Miko, Yoimiya specializes in single-target Pyro damage. But also, her Elemental Burst animation is really pretty.
Genshin Impact: Yoimiya Talent Guide | Genshin Impact: How to Ascend Yoimiya | Genshin Impact: Yoimiya Constellation Guide
Generally, Yoimiya functions best as a Main DPS. Depending on the other characters in your roster, you can either increase her Normal Attack or her Pyro damage. Additionally, her Elemental Burst provides attack buffs for the team – though unfortunately, they do not apply to Yoimiya herself. However, this makes a strong Sub-DPS essential for a Yoimiya team.
Best Unit Category – Main DPS
Yoimiya functions best as a Main DPS. You can focus on either boosting her Normal Attack or boosting the damage she does through Pyro Reactions. Both builds require similar Artifacts, Weapons, and strategies, so you can easily switch between the two depending on your play style and the characters you already use.
The main difference between the DPS builds is that the Main DPS build should focus on boosting Yoimiya’s ATK while the Pyro reactions build should focus on increasing Elemental Mastery. Despite being a bow character, Yoimiya works best in close combat due to her Elemental Skill creating Pyro-infused Normal Attacks. Think of her more as a Catalyst character than a Bow character.
Best Weapons
5-Star – Thundering Pulse
Thundering Pulse grants a CRIT DMG percentage boost. Its Skill Effect increases ATK by 20% and grants Thunder Emblem. Thunder Emblem stacks up to three times, with each stack increasing Normal Attack DMG by a percentage. Each stack also has an individual duration, with different methods for gaining each stack.
You can gain stacks by using Normal Attacks with Elemental DMG, casting an Elemental Skill, and having less than 100% Energy. The first and second methods have a duration of 5 and 10 seconds, respectively. The third only disappears when the character has full Energy.
This weapon works best if Yoimiya is equipped with 4PC Shimenawa’s Reminiscence.
4-Star – Rust or Prototype Crescent
The Rust increases a character’s ATK by a percentage. Its Skill Effect increases Normal Attack DMG by 40% but decreases Charged Attack DMG by 10%. This is a great weapon for Yoimiya since her playstyle is dependent on her Normal Attack. You will very rarely use her Charge Attack in battle, so the debuff doesn’t make much of a difference. Any Yoimiya Main DPS Build should focus on boosting her ATK.
If the gacha gods don’t like you, the Prototype Crescent will also work for Yoimiya. This weapon also increases ATK by a percentage. Its Skill Effect activates when Aimed Shots hit on enemy weak points. Doing so increases Movement SPD by 10% and ATK by 36% for 10 seconds. If you have the Prototype Crescent on Yoimiya, you should be using her Aimed Shots more than you would any of the other bows. Ultimately, you want the ATK boost.
3-Star – Slingshot or Raven Bow
The Slingshot would be best for a Normal Attack DPS Build, while the Raven Bow would be best for a Pyro Reactions DPS Build.
The Slingshot grants a CRIT Rate percentage bonus. Its Skill Effect activates when a character fires a Normal Attack or Aimed Shot. If the attack hits a target within 0.3 seconds of being fired, the bow increases DMG by 36%. Otherwise, it decreases DMG by 10%. This weapon works best in close range, where shots can quickly hit opponents. Yoimiya actually works best in close combat, so the Slingshot can be a good starting weapon if you don’t have any 4 Star bows.
The Raven Bow increases Elemental Mastery. Its Skill Effect increases DMG against enemies affected by Hydro or Pyro by 12%. This helps increase Yoimiya’s Pyro Reaction damage.
Best Artifact Sets
You can either choose to boost Yoimiya’s Normal Attack or increase her reaction damage. Thankfully, the Artifact stats you need remain the same. Main Stats should include ATK%, Pyro DMG Bonus, and the CRIT stats. Substats should include Elemental Mastery, Energy Recharge (if you need it), ATK%, and the CRIT stats.
4PC Shimenawa’s Reminiscence
This set is best if you want to boost Yoimiya’s Normal Attack DMG.
At 2PC, Shimenawa’s Reminiscence grants an 18% ATK bonus. At 4PC, Shimenawa increases Normal, Charge, and Plunging Attack DMG by 50% for 10 seconds when a character uses their Elemental Skill. However, it comes at a price. If the character has 15 or more Energy, they lose 15 Energy.
Yoimiya relies on her Normal Attack. Because of her Skill, she can deal Pyro DMG with her Normal Attack, which gets rid of her reliance on Charge Attacks. Shimenawa allows Yoimiya to do as much damage as possible and create as many Elemental Reactions as possible in a short amount of time.
This set works very well with Thundering Pulse. Shimenawa will continuously drain Yoimiya’s Energy, which will keep her at under 100% Energy. Since one way to get a Thunder Emblem is by having less than 100% Energy, Yoimiya will always have at least one Thunder Emblem stack.
Main stats should include ATK%, Pyro DMG Bonus, and CRIT Rate or CRIT DMG. Substats should include Energy Recharge, CRIT DMG, CRIT Rate, and ATK%.
4PC Crimson Witch of Flames
This set is best if you want to boost Yoimiya’s Pyro Reactions.
At 2PC, the Crimson Witch of Flames set grants a 15% Pyro DMG Bonus. At 4PC, it boosts Overloaded, Burning, Vaporize, and Melt DMG. Additionally, using an Elemental Skill increases the 2PC Pyro DMG Bonus effect by 50% for 10 seconds. This boost can stack up to 3 times.
Because this is a Mondstadt set that’s good for Diluc, Klee, and Bennett, many players probably have some Crimson Witch lying around to equip to Yoimiya. Since Yoimiya’s Skill turns her Normal Attack into Pyro, the Pyro boost will also be effective.
Main stats should include ATK%, Pyro DMG Bonus, and CRIT Rate or CRIT DMG. Substats should include Elemental Mastery, Energy Recharge, CRIT DMG, CRIT Rate, and ATK%.
2PC Crimson + 2PC Shimenawa
The 50-50 split grants Yoimiya an 18% ATK boost and 15% Pyro DMG Bonus. This is good for any player who can’t equip a complete set of either Shimenawa or Crimson Witch to Yoimiya, but still allows for good bonuses.
This is best if you have a few good artifacts of each set and don’t want to farm for one or the other. Main stats should include ATK%, Pyro DMG Bonus, and CRIT Rate or CRIT DMG. Substats should include Energy Recharge, CRIT DMG, CRIT Rate, and ATK%.
Best Teams
Overall, Yoimiya should be in a team with a Sub-DPS and two Supports. The Sub-DPS should constantly apply Hydro, Electro, or Pyro. The Supports should help buff Yoimiya and provide either shields or healing.
Yoimiya does well with characters who can constantly apply another Element. Xingqiu is the best Sub DPS partner for Yoimiya since he can constantly apply Hydro to enemies. This allows Yoimiya to inflict Vaporize damage. Other good partners include Raiden Shogun, Beidou, Yelan, and Fischl.
Good Support teammates include Thoma, Bennett, Yun Jin, Zhongli, and Diona. Yun Jin is probably the least used character out of the bunch, but she provides a Normal Attack DMG buff. At least one Support should be Pyro to activate the Pyro resonance bonus.