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There are 27 Magicite that you can procure in Final Fantasy VI Pixel Remaster. While the GBA versions contained extras like Cactuar and Tonberry, unfortunately, you can’t recruit those in this version. Still, you will be able to recruit 14 Magicite automatically by playing through the game and an additional 13 by completing a series of side quests in the World of Ruin.
Other Final Fantasy VI Pixel Remaster Guides:
How to Fix the Font on PC – How to Get the Genji Gauntlet and Master’s Scroll – How to Recruit and Save Shadow – How to Recruit Mog to Your Party – How to Recruit Gogo to Your Party – How to Recruit Umaro to Your Party – How to Find and Defeat the Ultima Buster – Where to Find the Legendary Dragons
Unmissable Magicite in Final Fantasy VI Pixel Remaster
In Zozo, you can get your first four Magicite: Ramuh, Kiren, Siren, and Cait Sith. These are found once you’ve located Terra in this very strange city by going to its largest skyscraper.
Next up, in the Magitek Facility, you will have to battle Shiva and Ifrit after a cut scene with Kefka in order to get these two iconic summon monsters on your side.
Once you’ve found Cid, you’ll gain six more Magicite for your collection: Catoblepas, Phantom, Unicorn, Maduin, Carbuncle, and Bismarck
Fenrir will be automatically gifted to you after you’ve defeated Humbaba in the World of Ruin.
Complete Locke’s quest in the World of Ruin to get Phoenix.

Optional Magicite That Must Be Tracked Down
Once you have access to the first airship, after the opera, you can go to the auction house run by Jidoor. There you can purchase the Zona Seeker for 10,000 gil and Golem for 20,000 gil. Like in Final Fantasy IX, you’ll have to return here again and again until these pop up to bid on.
In Tzen, you will see a thief hiding by the relic shop. He will sell you Seraph for 3,000 gil.
After you’ve found your new airship in the World of Ruin, return to the Solitary Island where Celes awakened and go to the beach to find Quetzalli.
Valigarmanda can be found by returning to Narshe and following the above quests to recruit Mog and Umaro. It’s at the edge of the cliff, which you’ll recall from the start of the game, and must be defeated as a boss before acquiring it. Midgardsormr will also be found while recruiting Umaro, in the skull totem before you battle the yeti.
If you decide to recruit Relm again in the World of Ruin, you’ll receive Lakshmi after battling the Chadarnook.
Once you’ve finished Cyan’s quest, head back to Doma and search behind the throne to find Alexander.
You’ll find Odin while exploring the Ancient Castle in the World of Ruin. Raiden can also be found in the bottom level of the Ancient Castle where you found Odin. You need to take five steps down from where the Stone Queen is located in the basement.
Crusader will be given to you as a reward for defeating the eight ancient dragons in the World of Ruin. Their locations are listed in the link above.
You can get Bahamut by battling and defeating Doomgaze in the World of Ruin. You’ll see it flying around and, like Ultima Weapon in Final Fantasy VII, you’ll have to battle it multiple times.
With Locke in your party, head to the Narshe Weapon Store and select the Ragnarok Magicite to add it to your illustrious collection.