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As if Final Fantasy VI Pixel Remaster didn’t already have enough characters for players to learn the skills of and master in battle before the apocalyptic events of The Floating Continent, new players will be shocked to learn that there are new characters to seek out even in the endgame section. While Gogo is hidden away on a far-off island, however, Umaro can be found in the first area of the game, just like Mog.
In fact, Mog is essential to getting Umaro on your team. While you’ll no doubt already be preoccupied at this point in the game with tracking down your lost party members and convincing them to re-join the struggle against a god-like version of Kefka, you’ll also want to make sure you’ve got every single ally on your side before you go on to challenge the megalomaniacal clown and his omniscient powers.
Other Final Fantasy VI Pixel Remaster Guides:
How to Fix the Font on PC – How to Get the Genji Gauntlet and Master’s Scroll – How to Recruit and Save Shadow – How to Recruit Mog to Your Party – How to Recruit Gogo to Your Party
How to Get Umaro in Final Fantasy VI Pixel Remaster
To get Umaro on your team, unfortunately, you’re going to have to wait until the World of Balance gets turned into the World of Ruin by Kefka. Once this event has occurred, play through it until you get access to the airship and recruit Mog to your party in Narshe. How to recruit Mog is listed above in our other guides for Final Fantasy VI.

Where to Find Umaro in the World of Ruin
Once you’ve recruited Mog, or more conveniently, right after you recruit him, you might as well get Umaro as well, as he’s also located in Narshe. From the start, head through the mines until you come back outside and can exit upward. Then keep heading up through the ice maze until you exit upward again. Now you’ll be in a cliff-like area where you can find a new Magicite. Of course, you’ll have to defeat it in battle first.
After you defeat the Magicite, a new opening will appear on the cliff for you to jump down. Once you access it, you’ll wake up in a cave with three doors. Take the first one to the left and continue along until you fall down a hole. This will put you on top of the room that all of the other holes drop you into, allowing you to access the bridge to the right and a new exit.
There will be two switches in the next room. Pulling the one on the right will drop you into Umaro’s headquarters. Once again, make sure Mog is in your party. Examine the skull here and remove the Magicite, which will incur the wrath of Umaro the Yeti. Once you beat him in battle, approach the Yeti and speak with him to have Mog take control. Mog will convince Umaro to join you by speaking his gruff Yeti language, and this new party member will be all yours.