Exotic Weapons are some of the best – or at least most interesting – weapons in Destiny 2. There’s a reason players compulsively track down Xur for rare weapons and armour, and there’s a reason why entire builds can be focused around specific items and gear. What’s most interesting about Exotic weapons, however, is their attached Catalyst.
Catalysts are powerful attachments that turn an Exotic into a Masterwork Exoctic, often turning powerful weapons into ludicrous ones. Lightfall adds a hodds of new weapons into the mix with Verglas Curve being the one that most players will grab first. If you want it’s Catalyst, however, you are going to have to jump through all kinds of hoops.
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How To Get Verglas Curve
Verglas Curve is a Stasis-based Exotic Bow that players can unlock the moment they start up Lightfall providing they have access to the paid section of the Season Pass. Free players will have to wait quite a bit longer to get their hands on it as it is found much later in the Season Pass along the free track.
Once you have the Bow, you can start the Catalyst Quest, Nock, Draw, Loose, Quiet.

How To Start Nock, Draw, Loose, Quiet
This quest becomes available once you have your grubby mitts on the aforementioned Verglas Curve. Simply take your bow and head to Banshee-44 at The Tower. He will hand you the quest, and this Quest will take you through some of the most tedious, time-consuming guff Lightfall has to offer. Thankfully Verglas Curve is a very fun weapon without its Catalyst because you won’t be getting your hands on it for a long time.
Nock, Draw, Loose, Quiet Step 1
The quest starts easily enough, you have to complete the following two tasks:
- Rapidly defeat 20 targets
- Defeat 40 enemies with Stasis Damage
The first step is very easy and doesn’t require you to use Verglas Curve to complete. Simply kill enemies quickly, and this will start to tick up. We recommend throwing grenades or using Rocket Launchers to kill clumps of enemies in record time.
The second part is also very simple. Considering Verglas Curve is a Stasis weapon, just kill enemies with it to complete this part. Of course, any Stasis weapon will do, so use whatever you are comfortable with.
Nock, Draw, Loose, Quiet Step 2
The first part of the quest is very simple, but part 2 is where the grind kicks in, and boy, does it kick in. You will be grinding this out for hours, and we highly recommend finishing this step over many sittings. You will burn out very quickly with straight grinding. You need to do the following:
- Calibrate Data
- Defeat 450 enemies with Verglas Curve
Funnily enough, the first part, despite not looking all that bad, is the worst part of this quest by a long shot. To ‘Calibrate Data’, you need to complete Vanguard Playlists, Nightfalls, and Crucible matches. This isn’t too bad on paper until you realise this quest only gives you 2 points towards the 200 total you are aiming for. You need to do 100 Strikes to complete this step.
Defeating 450 enemies might seem like a grindy task, but we got this very quickly just by using Verglas Curve during our regular play. Just play the game, and get kills. Easy.
Nock, Draw, Loose, Quiet Step 3
With all of that out of the way, you can finally return to Banshee-44 and receive your Catalyst. That completes the quest and everything is all well and good…right?
Wrong. Unfortunately having the Catalyst doesn’t mean you are ready to use it. There is another bout of grinding standing between you and your buffed Verglas Curve. To use the Catalyst, you are going to need to kill another 700 enemies. Just play the game some more and unlock this passively.
Once you have finally jumped over every hurdle Destiny 2 puts in your path, you can finally use Verglas Curve at maximum power. If you are anything like us, however, you will just put the bow down and never touch it again out of pure spite.
That’s all we have for Destiny 2 Lightfall for now. Be sure to check out our other Guides, Lists, and Walkthroughs for more Destiny 2 content.