When you get to the end of Metroid Prime Remastered, you’re going to be tasked with collecting 12 artifacts in order to get underground and stop the final boss. Though you probably already know this, the location where you take each artifact, and where the first one can also be found, is up the waterfall and through a few doors and hallways directly across from where your ship lands on Tallon IV. However, we’re going to be giving you specific instructions on where to find the other 11 that you’re going to need.
Other Metroid Prime Remastered Guides:
How to Defeat the Mother Sheegoth – How to Get the Super Missile – How to Get the Space Jump – How to Solve the Chozo Ice Temple
Where to Find All 12 Artifacts in Metroid Prime Remastered

- Artifact of Truth: Luckily, the first artifact is already waiting for you when you discover the Chozo site nearby the starting point on Tallon IV.
2. Artifact of Strength: Next, you’re going to want to head to the Monitor Station in Magmoor Caverns. Climb the cliffs while battling the Puffers and Turrets until you reach the center area. Then climb the platforms you’ll see to your left as you’re heading to the exit. This should allow you to access the roof, where there’s a spinner you can activate with your Boost Ball. Do so to create a bridge that will allow you to double-jump across to the cliffside. Now just follow the path around until you find a door, which will lead you to this artifact.
3. Artifact of Nature: Navigate your way to Lava Lake in the Magmoor Caverns and shoot two missiles into the center rock structure behind the monster that pops out of the lava. This will reveal the artifact.
4. Artifact of Chozo: Now head to the Life Grove in Tallon Overworld. This is the room with the X-Ray Visor. Use a Power Bomb after you get the visor, then look for a grey covering beneath the water that can be bombed. Now use the spinner that appears to reveal this artifact.

5. Artifact of Wild: Navigate to the Sun Tower in the Chozo Ruins and kill all four hives of War Wasps before you do anything else. Now you’re going to need to use your Super Missile on the two circular statues. Hit them with a bull’s eye to reveal the symbols, and then scan them as well as the two other symbols hidden on the roof behind the pillars to unlock the gate. Now you want to use your Spider Ball to climb up the track on the wall and time your Bombs so that you launch up in between the rotating enemies. Once you reach the top, head through the door and down the hallway to a boss room from earlier. You’ll have to fight the Chozo Ghosts, but once they’re dead, this artifact will be yours.
6. Artifact of Lifegiver: Now head to the Ruined Shrine in the Chozo Ruins. Once there, use the half pipe to launch up the side of the pipe that leads to a Spider Ball track that you can take to the exit. Now, instead of climbing the next room, drop into the water to find a secret exit that you can access by jumping up a couple of platforms. Next, just go through the door in the ceiling for another artifact.
7. Artifact of Spirit: Go to Phendrana’s Edge in Phendrana Drifts and climb up to where the Grapple Beam can get you across a gap. Next, you’ll climb to a seemingly dead end that can be bypassed with your X-Ray Visor and a Power Bomb. Then open the door with your Plasma Beam to secure this artifact.
8. Artifact of Elder: Next, go to the Control Tower in Phendrana Drifts and kill off the Space Pirates before jumping to the top of the tower with the meltable window. Use your Plasma Beam to destroy the boxes and melt the window, then fire a missile at the nearby fuel pods out the window to collapse the tower. The collapsed tower will make a hole in the ground that will lead you to this artifact.

9. Artifact of Sun: This time, head to the Chozo Ice Temple in Phendrana Drifts and climb to the frozen waterfall. Once you’re at the top, use the Plasma Beam to melt the frozen hands of the statue and turn into a Morph Ball in its open palms. This will open up a small tunnel that contains the next artifact.
10. Artifact of Newborn: Now you’re off to the Phazon Mining Tunnel in the Phazon Mines, but only after you’ve acquired the Phazon Suit. This will protect you from the radiation as you roll through the affected area in Morph Ball form without losing health. Blow up all of the little debris piles to find your way to this artifact.
11. Artifact of Warrior: Next, it’s off to Elite Research in the Phazon Mines. Detonate a Power Bomb near the containment tank to release the Elite Pirate. Battle and kill the creature for this aptly named artifact.
12. Artifact of World: Go to the Hall of the Elders in Chozo Ruins and fight off the Chozo Ghosts before unlocking the Plasma Beam slot for the Morph Ball on the second floor. Roll into and bomb it to open a new pathway, then go through the door to get the final artifact.