In any game with a strong focus on movement powers, our first question is always thus — when do we get to fly? Forspoken eventually gives you access to a powerful spell that lets you glide gracefully down from high ledges, letting you effortlessly pass through overworld terrain without all that pesky parkour stuff. This spell becomes available once you’ve progressed hours into the story and can more fully explore the southwest region of the map. Below, we’ll explain how to unlock the optional Float Spell, how to upgrade it to give yourself more flying time, and how to unlock the ‘I Can Fly’ trophy. All three steps are surprisingly easy. You just need to know the basics to get started.
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How To Unlock The Float Spell | ‘I Can Fly’ Trophy Guide
The Float Spell is an optional (and powerful) spell that allows Frey to glide long distances. Originally, you’ll struggle to float for more than 5~ seconds, but after upgrading you’ll easily push your flight time to 10+ seconds. It still doesn’t sound ground, but when you’re leaping across high ledges constantly, even a little gliding time is incredibly useful.
- Float Spell Location: Visoria, Inner Visoria — Requires Prav’s Magic Tree (Chapter 8).
- Located in a deep cave in the dead-center south of the region. Start from Visorian Plateau and travel south. You’ll travel to this region during the events of Chapter 11.
- Drop down into the cavern to locate a Lilac Fount to the south of the cave entrance. This Fount of Blessing contains the Float Spell.
The Float Spell allows you to glide at the cost of Stamina. To upgrade Stamina further, fast travel to the Blessed Fields or any high mountain location and glide down. For gliding for 5+ seconds you’ll complete a skill challenge for the spell. Once you’ve upgraded your stamina, earning ‘I Can Fly‘ is simple.
- Unlocking ‘I Can Fly’: Once you can glide and have upgraded stamina for longer travel time, go to a high ledge — any pilgrim building outside Cipal is a good start — and glide for 10~ seconds.
- After gliding for 10 or more seconds, the ‘I Can Fly‘ trophy will unlock.
That’s it! You won’t be able to glide until much later in the story. Even with the Stamina limitation, Float is one spell you won’t want to miss. All Spells are unlocked through Founts of Blessing dotted around the map. After unlocking a spell, you’ll be able to further upgrade the spell by completing small challenges. These challenges usually involve fighting enemies. You can select multiple active challenges — and giving yourself more stamina is an easy challenge connected to the Float spell. It can basically be pulled off anywhere on the map.