There are 1,000 Levels you can earn in Goose Goose Duck — and you’ll earn exclusive rewards as you climb higher and higher. Leveling up isn’t really important in this game, you won’t unlock new features or classes or modes. Leveling is purely for cosmetics and showing off how much you’ve played. You don’t even need to be good at the game but winning does help you level up faster. We can’t teach you how to win every match. We can explain how to level up efficiently and make the most of your daily rewards.
Goose Goose Duck is a F2P multiplayer game like Among Us — you play as a Goose or a disguised Duck, and your job is to figure out who’s sabotaging the map or get away with your crimes. All roles are randomly given at the start of the round so you’ll have to work together with other players, observing behavior and discussing what you know during time-out meetings. If everyone can correctly vote out the criminals, your innocent Geese will win the match. If you get away with murder, you’ll win as the Duck. If you’ve played Among Us you’ll understand. What makes Goose Goose Duck different is the customization — not just cosmetic, but with the classes and modes. You can twist Among Us into unrecognizable shapes by randomizing the roles. There are dozens of them!
If you want to level up, you’ll need to find your favorite mode and start grinding. Here’s how to earn a little more XP.
More Goose Goose Duck guides:
All Roles Explained | How To Earn Silver | How To Get Tokens | How To Unlock Cosmetics
How To Earn More XP | Daily Rewards & XP Boosts
If you really want to level up more efficiently in Goose Goose Duck, you’ll want to claim your Daily Rewards. Every 23.5 hours you can claim a new Daily Reward — the Daily Rewards for the first 31 Days are always the same. After claiming 31 days, rewards become totally randomized. These are the days you’ll want to look out for.
- Earn XP Boosts On These Days: 5, 17, 29
- XP Boosts increase your XP earning by +50% for 4 hours.
- Earn Bonus XP On These Days: 2 (750 XP), 12 (1,000 XP), 23 (1,250 XP)
- These days give you an instant infusion of XP.
- After The First 31 Days: Complete 31 Days of Daily Rewards, and all furth Daily Rewards are completely randomized. You can still earn XP Boosts and Bonus XP.
- Bonus XP: Drops in increments of 400-600 XP. Uncommon Daily Reward.
- XP Boost: Gives +50% XP earnings for 4 hours. Rare Daily Reward.
In addition to XP Boosts, you can also earn more XP by completing objectives or winning matches. Bonus XP is rewarded by time played so if you play an extremely short match, you won’t earn bonus XP. Grinding or boosting with friends doesn’t work because of this limitation. You’ll need to play a longer match to earn rewards.
- Bonus XP Earned From Matches: You can earn bonus XP by completing objectives in matches.
- Complete Tasks (Goose): Earn +5% XP.
- Win The Match: Earn +5% / +10% / +15% / +20% / +25% XP depending on the length of the match.