Tunic is the kind of game that’s just filled with tips, tricks, and secrets for players to find and exploit. While the pages of its instruction manual offer plenty of opportunities for you to extrapolate and get ahead, there is also a myriad of hidden paths that you can find around the overworld of the game simply by walking into a corner, behind a tree, or under a waterfall. One path in the Western Garden area will even lead you to find a new weapon: the Magic Dagger.
More Tunic Guides:
How to Dodge Properly – How to Easily Kill Enemies – How to Beat the Garden Knight – How to Get the Shield – How to Beat the Siege Engine
Where to Find the Magic Dagger in Tunic
Starting from the save point shrine in the Western Garden, head down across the stone bridge. Keep following the path past a small pool and down a fallen pillar into the water, then move through the water following the shadowy path until it takes you up a set of stairs and back to dry land. Run past the chest and across the planks on the water until you reach a big square-shaped pool with an obelisk rising up from its center.

Follow the path around and exit the area south, taking the path under the bridge, and you’ll exit back into an open stone area with a pink-leafed tree. Head left and through the doorway, where you’ll find some planks you can climb up to a stone ridge above. Follow the ridge around and take the green path down to another open area, where you’ll find another chest. Take the ramp up and head to the right, where you’ll pass a purple pathway and cross some more planks.
Finally, just go down the two sets of stairs and past another treasure chest to find the entrance to a hidden area that holds the item you covet. Head inside, and you’ll find the Magic Dagger glowing on a stone slate in the back of the room. Voila, the item is yours, and, to boot, you can use its freezing magic to give you an edge against the Garden Knight, a tough boss to the north that you’ll be fighting shortly.
For best results, wait until the final section of the boss fight to use your freeze magic on the Garden Knight, as it will use its trickiest moves during this stage. Freezing the creature will allow you to snag a few quick hits without worrying about its attacks and make the last section of the fight a breeze. For a more detailed look at the fight with the Garden Knight, check the links above for a guide on how to defeat it, which also includes a link to a video of our fight with the creature.