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Episode 9: Rise of Skywalker opens with a bombshell and doesn’t really give players a moment to recover. So much is thrown at you, and we just have to accept it and move on. After a devastating defeat in the previous episode, the Resistance is fighting a losing war against the First Order — now lead by Kylo Ren. To complicate things even more, another faction of the Old Empire has arisen ruled by the seemingly still-living Emperor Palpatine. Kylo and Rey both want to confront Palpatine for their own reasons, and to do that they need a series of artifacts and mcguffins. Let’s roll up our sleeves and complete Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 of Episode 9.
More Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga guides:
A New Hope Walkthrough Part 1 | A New Hope Walkthrough Part 2 | Empire Strikes Back Walkthrough Part 1 | Empire Strikes Back Walkthrough Part 2 | Return of the Jedi Walkthrough Part 1 | Return of the Jedi Walkthrough Part 2 | Phantom Menace Walkthrough Part 1 | Phantom Menace Walkthrough Part 2 | Attack of the Clones Walkthrough Part 1 | Attack of the Clones Walkthrough Part 2 | Revenge of the Sith Walkthrough Part 1 | Revenge of the Sith Walkthrough Part 2 | The Force Awakens Walkthrough Part 1 | The Force Awakens Walkthrough Part 2 | The Last Jedi Walkthrough Part 1 | The Last Jedi Walkthrough Part 2 | A New Hope All Minikits | Empire Strikes Back All Minikits | Return of the Jedi All Minikits | Phantom Menace All Minikits | Attack of the Clones All Minikits | Revenge of the Sith All Minikits | The Force Awakens All Minikits | The Last Jedi All Minikits | A New Hope All Level Challenges | Empire Strikes Back All Level Challenges | Return of the Jedi All Level Challenges | Phantom Menace All Level Challenges | Attack of the Clones All Level Challenges | Revenge of the Sith All Level Challenges | The Force Awakens All Level Challenges | The Last Jedi All Level Challenges | Free Character & Vehicle Extra Codes | How To Unlock Studs x2 Early | Upgrades To Get Early
Level 1: A Skip and a Jump

The first level starts without warning! Kylo Ren tracks down the evil Emperor Palpatine, who’s still alive somehow, and he’s been given a giant new Imperial Fleet to play around with. How? What? Who cares! We don’t have time to think about it, because a wing of TIE Fighters are chasing down the Millenium Falcon with Poe Dameron on the wheel.
Dodge the TIEs and blast 10/10 to complete the level. After zapping all those enemy fighters, Poe will attempt to escape with his hyperdrive. Too bad these TIEs are also equipped with hyperdrives, so they can follow the Millenium Falcon! Press the button prompt to escape every escalating situation to complete the level, escaping with information on a First Order Spy. That was a quick mission — next, we’re joining with Rey as she runs training courses to improve her Jedi skills.
Mission: Running the Training Course

As Rey, we need to collect five training ribbons. There are mini-challenges scattered around the Resistance Camp. Follow the waypoints until we reach a yellow circle on the map — the yellow circle means there’s a flag nearby. The first flag is at the top of the wooden poles. Hop up and claim it!
Continue and look for wooden LEGO poles on the rocky cliff to your left. Swing up to the top and grab the second ribbon. Let’s backtrack and grab the ribbon at the waterfall — swing up and onto the waterfall platform, then swing across the ropes. Use your lightsaber on the LEGO rock wall to wall-climb across and zip-line down to get the last ribbon. Once you’ve got all five the Millenium Falcon will arrive. Let’s go say hello to old friends!
Poe and Finn bring grave news. Emperor Palpatine is back! And he’s causing big problems on a secret planet. To find it, our first stop is Pasaana. Open the Galaxy Map and travel to the Forbidden Valley, Pasaana.
Mission: Festival of the Ancestors

We’ve landed on a very barren desert planet. Hop on the nearby speeder and fly toward the story marker down the canyon. This place isn’t nearly as forbidden as I thought — there’s a huge festival doing on! To find Palpatine, we need something called a “Sith Wayfinder” and only a local of this planet would know where to find one.
Talk to all the marked NPCs. None of them will help. Once you talk to them all a new person will appear in the center of the festival! Approach them to begin Level 2. We’re really blazing through this story!
Level 2: They Fly Now!

The First Order have arrived! You’ll escape on a speeder while they chase on treaded speeders with jetpack troopers. Yes, they can flow now. Blast the incoming bad guys — even BB-8 can help by launching cannisters of powder. You’ll have to fight waves of troopers as they appear, including a TIE Fighter! Use BB-8’s cannister shots to confuse the troopers chasing you!
After defeating enough enemies, the perspective will switch to Poe and Finn. Their section is even shooter — blast a few last bad guys and the group will crash land near their target. A strange ship with information on relics. Lando Calrissian provided all the information we needed. After crash landing, the heroes sink into the nearby quicksand. You’ll have to reconnect with everyone in the cavern below. But, the level is complete. Yep, it really is that short.
Mission: Beneath the Shifting Mires

Rey and Poe appear in the underground tunnel. Everyone else is lost somewhere else. Let’s find them. In the large sand room ahead, you’ll find the others trapped. Climb up the net with Rey, then use Poe’s grappling hook to hand from the orange LEGO handles, pulling down the platforms for Rey. Pull down the right platform, then jump on it with Rey, then swap to the left platform with Poe. Now Rey can reach the other side safely.
Hop across the poles and wall-run to reach the bones where your other friends are stuck. With Rey, push down the LEGO box, then move it again with Finn down below. Move it close to the tall LEGO spire, then use the box to double jump up to the top. Now Poe can reach the rib cage and break it with his grappling hook.
Follow the path past the old bones, hopping and zipping, until we reach a new story marker. The group discovers an old Sith sword with mysterious writing. C-3P0 can read it, but he’s programmed not to share the dark knowledge of the Sith. That’s understandable! But not very helpful. The gang needs to find something that can translate the writing.
Level 3: C-3P-Oh no!

Outside the caves, go up the hill to the abandoned spaceship. The Level 3 marker is right there. C-3P0 is about to be in big trouble. Starting Level 3, the First Order arrives to kidnap Chewie and steal away the gang’s only clue to finding Exegol. Or that’s what Finn and Poe think — C-3P0 still has the clue stored in his memory. We’ll need to find a blackmarket droid mechanic to pull that forbidden data our of C-3P0’s noggin. Too bad the planet has already been occupied by the First Order.
In the occupied city, there are multiple ways to complete this level. You can fight your way through the First Order troops or we can sneak around. For the purposes of this guide, let’s take the sneakier path. Follow Poe up the steps until you encounter a walker with a searchlight. The door ahead needs a blue battery (power core) to reactivate. The power core is in the courtyard watched by the walker — you can sneak in and grab it or just shoot the searchlight. That disables the light and gets the walker to leave the area.

Grab the Power Core and plug it into the door. In the next courtyard, we need to use a sneak attack on one of the troopers. Poe will defeat the other one. Next, two more troopers are watching from above. Carefully aim your blaster to knock one out — again, Poe will take care of the second trooper. Once the courtyard is clear, swap to Rey to lift the power core out of the socket down the steps, and plug it in high above the exit door.
Through the tunnel, you’ll encounter a gang of criminals that want to turn you into the First Order. Fight them off — Poe will warn you that a First Order patrol is incoming after clearing the bad guys. You’ll hide in crates. Stay out of the squad’s line-of-sight and you won’t raise an alarm. Wait for the troopers to leave and you’ll meet Zorii Bliss, a member of the underground. Follow her to the exit door. She’ll supply the power core and unlock the door for you.

Use Rey to lift up the broken door with the force. Ahead, you’ll reach a heavily guarded main courtyard. The area is packed with troopers and walkers, and the hideout is so close. We can solve this situation semi-peacefully.
Swap to Rey and climb the orange handle to the right just as you enter the courtyard. Go up to the roof, then back down to reach a Villain Terminal manned by a guard. Use a Jedi Mind Trick — Influence — and activate the Villain Terminal. An announcement will direct all the bad guys to leave the area. That’s one way to solve our problem! You can also acquire a disguise with Finn and sneak attack your way to the terminal. Either way, the coast is now clear.