The Empire is hunting for the Rebellion, and we’re hunting for minikits in LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga. Finding all 25 Minikits in The Empire Strikes Back can be challenging for one simple reason — we’ve got two separate vehicle missions. These missions are short, and they go by so fast you can easily miss the minikits. Even your battle against Darth Vader in the climax has minikits to find, and if you make a wrong move, you’ll have to restart from the beginning. Whenever you’re ready, scroll down to 100% each level in Empire Strikes Back.
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Level 1: Hoth and Cold

Minikit #1: To unlock the first minikit, you’ll need to find 5 Snowtrooper Snowmen.
- Snowman #1: Next to the north signal tower.
- Snowman #2: At the closed gate entrance to the eastern outpost where the signal tower is located.
- Snowman #3: Right next to the east signal tower.
- Snowman #4: At the base of the hill with the turret you need to blast the ice, at the south signal tower.
- Snowman #5: Next to the south signal tower. Can’t miss him.
Minikit #2: At the east Signal Tower, use the blue battery on the cage behind the tower itself. After activating the tower, you can remove the battery and insert it into the minikit cage.
Minikit #3: Carried by a Probe Droid on the high hill to the south of the north Signal Tower.
Minikit #4: At the north Signal Tower, use the partially repaired Snowspeeder to blast the mound of LEGO ice blocks to the north. Breaking it will leave behind hopping bricks that build into a minikit.
Minikit #5: In the southwest corner of the map, there’s an optional base with dishes you can rotate. Turn all the dishes so the turbolaser fires and bounces off all the dishes — hitting the LEGO canister in the snow that’s flashing green.
Level 2: Assault on Echo Base

Minikit #1: To earn this minikit, destroy six mini-tanks in the first section of the level, when you’re protecting the rebel trenches right outside Echo Base. Destroy the first three, then three more will appear.
Minikit #2: In the trenches area, when facing toward the Empire (opposite Echo Base) look on the far right side for a snowy mound. Blast it to reveal a hidden Minikit.
Minikit #3: Close to Echo Base, there’s a rocky archway on the right. Fly under it to find this kit.
Minikit #4: In the AT-AT section of the map, look on the right side for another low rock archway.
Minikit #5: Right at the entrance to the AT-AT battle area, before you reach the rebel trenches, there’s a LEGO snow mound that’s glowing. Shoot it to reveal this hidden kit.
Level 3: Never Tell Me The Odds

Minikit #1: In the Star Destroyer battle, look behind the command tower of the first Star Destroyer you face. This is the spot where the Millenium Falcon hides later in the movie.
Minikit #2: To earn a minikit, shoot all the floating LEGO minikits in the Asteroid Field. One is located next to each of the LEGO asteroids floating around. Just look for the glowing LEGO floating right next to the huge LEGO asteroids.
Minikit #3: When the third Star Destroyer appears in Free Play, a race will appear with it. Fly into the race beacon and complete the run in less than 32 seconds. Follow the green markers and use boost — when you know where you need to go next. If you boost the entire time, you can easily get lost.
Minikit #4: One if floating at the edge of the first Asteroid Field section, right before transitioning to the asteroid surface. If you miss it, you’ll have to restart the level.
Minikit #5: Flying on the asteroid surface, look for a floating minikit on the left side of the first canyon.
Level 4: Hibernation Station

Minikit #1: Right at the start of the level, there’a locked door directled behind the character. You need to acquire a key. Go to the Protocol Terminal ahead and down the right-hand hallway, across from an Astromech Terminal. Acquire the key and return to the Dining Room terminal to unlock it.
Minikit #2: Back in the hallway with the Protocol Terminal at the start of the level, use the Astromech Terminal. In the back room, use the grapple to pull the orange LEGO hook spot, then smash the container to gain a blue battery. Plug the battery into the empty slot near the door entrance.
Minikit #3: Down the first round corridor, follow the path to the room where Stormtroopers are talking about Boba Fett. Use the Protocol Terminal on the right and take control of the droid in the workshop to unlock the entrance door. Go inside and smash all the LEGO junk on the right to rebuild. The conveyor belt will activate — break the stuff blocking the crate so it falls into the smelter. You’ll earn a minikit.
Minikit #4: Past the workshop, you’ll reach a bright yellow hallway window. Opposite this hallway, there’s another windowed corridor with a Rebellion Terminal. Use the terminal, then push the LEGO object all the way down the track.
Minikit #5: In the room with the keycard officer, shoot the orange LEGO lock on the back door, then use a hero character to grapple up to the handhold bar above the door. Do both and the door will unlock, giving you access to this minikit.
Level 5: Revelations!

Minikit #1: After defeating Darth Vader for the first time, use the switch in the lower Carbonite Freezing Room. The switch is near a group of Ugnaut workers.
Minikit #2: Go through the first vent and reach the second vent cover you need to open. Before doing that, enter the center vent that Darth Vader blocked previously. Inside, use a grapple LEGO hook to reveal a minikit.
Minikit #3: Slide down the vent and enter the second Vader encounter room. On the left as you enter, use the Protocol Terminal. Use the single button twice and a minikit will rise up out of the circular console in the center of the room.
Minikit #4: After getting knocked out of the second Darth Vader battle arena, look to the left of the window for a Rebel Terminal. Unlock it to get a minikit.
Minikit #5: Near the end of the level, in the hallway before the big final confrontation with Vader, there are multiple rooms with doors. Enter the first door on the right to find Lando’s room. Break the portrait of Lando to find this minikit.