The Minikits must be found. We’re blasting our way through Episode 2: Attack of the Clones and getting 100% completion on each level. Naturally, that means we’ll have to find all the minikits. There are 25 minikits total in this episode, and many of them can be found on the very first playthrough of a level. And some of them can be pretty tricky. You’ll have to hunt down sandcastles, shoot hidden targets, and even wait for a painting robot to finish a true masterpiece. We’ve got all the minikit locations listed in the full guide below. Check it out to complete another leg of your LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga journey.
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Level 1: A Wrestle with Wesell

Minikit #1: In the “power coupling” area, look for a flying ship carrying a glowing cargo container.
Minikit #2: Blast all the power couplings you can in the area. Near the end, you’ll find this minikit.
Minikit #3: As you enter the neon cityscape level, shoot the holographic minikits. There are many more than three — but you only need to blast three of them.
Minikit #4: In the same area, look at the holographic ad signs on the buildings. They’re flip between different images. Many will flip to a big yellow sign with a minikit on it. Blast the sign with this ad showing to earn one.
Minikit #5: Near the end of the chase through the neon city, you’ll go right then bend left. There’s a giant holographic minikit on the left. Fly into it to get the last one.
Level 2: The Hunt for Jango

Minikit #1: Under the first objective marker where you’ll search for Jango, there’s a minikit beneath the asteroid.
Minikit #2: Shoot five of the large LEGO signal towers floating in the asteroid field.
Minikit #3: In the first arena where Jango ambushes you, look in the upper-left for a giant floating minikit. Blast it!
Minikit #4: Inside the second large asteroid that you can fly inside with winding cave tunnels.
Minikit #5: The last minikit is to the right of the third large asteroid you can fly inside.
Level 3: Droid Factory Frenzy

Minikit #1: After dropping through the open shutter onto the moving conveyor with Anakin / Padme, jump onto the first factory smasher. Ride it up then jump left to get a minikit.
Minikit #2: Reach the second conveyor belt — after dodging the smashers, you’ll drop down onto a second large conveyor — and turn left. There’s a ladder blocked by a gold LEGO lock at the top of the forge. Use a Bounty Hunter to melt the gold LEGO and reach this minikit in Freeplay Mode.
Minikit #3: On the C-3P0 path you’ll need to jump across a bin full of droid parts. Right above this, a crane is moving parts. One of those parts is minikit. Blast it with a hero while in Freeplay Mode to collect it.
Minikit #4: Next to the turret C-3P0 uses to blast the gold LEGO brick lock, there’s a robot arm painting pictures. Wait for it to paint a minikit, then smash it!
Minikit #5: At the end of the level, Padme and Anakin will need to use two orange LEGO handles to unlock the exit door. Before you do, backtrack on the pair of conveyors. Jump across the droid trash bin to reach a section of conveyor (on the right side, facing the exit) and smash the LEGO braces for a railing. This leads to an optional conveyor — use a grappling hook on the robot to get a kit.
Level 4: Petranaki Panic

Minikit #1: Once you free yourself from the chains, travel around the coliseum and smash all five LEGO sand castles.
Minikit #2: In the arena, use the Astromech Terminal in Freeplay Mode to unlock the main gate. There’s a minikit inside.
Minikit #3: To the left of the main gate, swap to a Scavenger and blast the cracked blue wall. In this small alcove, you’ll find a minikit.
Minikit #4: Near the walls of the arena, find a silver LEGO object. Blast it with a Villain character and rebuild the bricks to create a turret. With the turret, shoot the five green objects in the far distance. Once they’re blasted, a minikit will spawn.
Minikit #5: Beside the previous silver LEGO object, there’s a silver LEGO gate you can blast open that’s blocking a minikit.
Level 5: The Battle of the Jedi

Minikit #1: Right at the start of the level, turn around and use a Scavenger. Summon the Net Launcher and climb up to the high minikit.
Minikit #2: In the bridge area before the dark cave, use a Bounty Hunter to blast the gold LEGO object on the wall.
Minikit #3: Enter the dark cavern area. On the right wall up the steps, you’ll find a blue cracked LEGO wall. Blast it with a Scavenger’s Breaker Blaster.
Minikit #4: In the Count Dooku arena, look in the alcove to the right of his escape ship. There’s a pile of LEGO junk. Smash it all to reveal a hidden minikit.
Minikit #5: Still in the Count Dooku arena, use the Villain Terminal and construct a laser turret. Use the turret to blast four of the Geonosian bug reinforcements that appear whenever you defeat one phase of Count Dooku. Blast four and this minikit will spawn.