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All the heroes have to work together to defeat the Trade Federation in the busy finale of The Phantom Menace. The last three levels are fast and furious levels — you’ll have to fight Darth Maul with Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon, while Jar-Jar and the Gungans take on a massive army of Battle Droids. To save the Gungans, Anakin is flying up in space, targeting the Droid Command Ship. If everyone works together, we can save Naboo and begin Anakin’s training as a Jedi Apprentice. We’ve got a lot of ground to cover in these last levels, so here’s a full rundown.
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Level 3: Better Call Maul

BOSS: Darth Maul – We’re fighting Darth Maul! Already! The level begins with a boss fight against the devilish Sith Lord. This is a Jedi Battle, similar to the Darth Vader fights if you started with the Original Trilogy. In these battles, you’ll always target the boss. Jumping performs a dodge. Avoid the red striped danger zones on the ground, and dodge if Maul targets you.
You can deal big damage by changing up combos, or by throwing your lightsaber. If you want to avoid taking as much damage, hold [Aim] to guard. By pressing the [Build] button, you can lift and throw objects at Maul from afar. Use every dirty trick you can to defeat this villain! He has four health bars — and three phases. Slice off his first health bar to begin the next phase of the fight.

Chasing Maul: Darth Maul retreats after you destroy one health bar. Fight through the squads of Battle Droids and Droidekas and take the elevator lift up. At the bridge, you’ll fight him a second time — he gains one major new ability. He can spin his saber, blowing back one of your Jedi. Switch Jedi and attack Darth Maul from behind!
Defeat him a second time, and you’ll all fall to a lower bridge. Maul smashes the floor boards — to cross the electrified wreckage, hop on the poles. On the far end, more Battle Droids will appear to slow you down. Deal with them and continue to chase Maul. He’ll just smash the entire bridge next.

Take the path to the right — jumping over the gap and reaching a deactivated lift. Smash the LEGO container near the lift and plug the blue battery in. Then you can use the switch to ride up. Go to the central platform bridge and drop down for a third battle against the Sith Lord. Same goes here. Beat him down and he’ll retreat one more time. We’ve almost got him cornered!
Entering the hallway with red forcefield walls, wait for the fields to fall before pursuing Maul. At some of the junctions, you’ll need to plug in the color-coded batteries. The pluggables connect to their matching colored plugs. If a red field isn’t opening, now you know why. Check and make sure you didn’t leave one unplugged.

At the last laser forcefield, you’ll find you’re missing one green battery. Use the blue battery on the plug on the left wall (instead of the field) to unlock the green battery container. Now you can plug all the batteries and face off against Maul a final time.
Defeat Darth Maul to complete the level. Qui-Gon Jinn doesn’t make it, but the Queen does successfully recapture the palace. We’ve just got two tasks left — Jar-Jar needs to help destroy the Droid Army, and Anikin can handle the blockade of battleships.
Level 4: Outmanned But Not Out-Gungan-ed

Rejoining Jar-Jar back on the lake, follow the waypoint into the Gungan hiding place. Inside, talk to the captain — before we can begin the level, we’ll have to find all the lost boomas. Those are little glowing blue balls.
Find one in a bird’s nest near the captain. Another is behind him in a crate. The rest are outside the sacred place — enter the yellow circles on the map and smash LEGO stuff. The more stuff you smash, the smaller the circle will become until it eventually just shows you where to go. Return to your Gungan pal after finding all 20. The level marker will appear once this job is complete.

Jar-Jar is going to war against the robot army! The Gungans are bunkered behind giant shields to fight the enormous droid force on the hill. Start the level by following the waypoints and loading the blue orbs onto the catapults. Do this twice. After loading the catapults, droids reinforcements will appear and attack your shield generators! They’ll appear on both ends of the Gungan army. Clear out the robots as they appear. A waypoint marker will show which of the generators is under attack.
Fight back the reinforcements until a cutscene shows a clumsy Gungan breaking his own catapult. Use the grapple hook to open the big red LEGO container and rebuild the catapult — now we get to use it against the giant droid army! You need to bombard the army until you’ve destroyed 60 droid groups and 10 tanks. Complete the bombardment and you’ll complete the level. The Gungans can’t fight back that many enemies — they’ll need some help from Anakin in space.
- Level Challenge: Out Time! – Destroy 300 battle droids with a single booma.
- Aim in the center of four groups of battle droids to deal the maximum amount of damage. Try to catch multiple regiments in an explosion. You might get this one by accident.
Level 5: Now This is Podracing

This is it! Anakin has (accidentally) launched himself into space. The Gungans have been captured — you’re Naboo’s only hope now. With your starfighter, you can blast the command ships and disable the droid armies on the planet below. To do that, fly toward the Droid Command Ship.
In this level, you’ll control Anakin in a fighter — in the first phase, we need to blast 10 signal towers, 10 turrets, and 10 enemy fights. Destroy them all and the hangar doors will open. Fly inside, and Anikin will crash land. Destroy all the robots in the area until the power core doors open, exposing your targets! Blast all four power cores to save Naboo and complete this campaign.

- Level Challenge: Spinning… That’s a Good Trick! – Perform 3 spins in the Naboo Starfighter to escape enemy lock-ons.
- Press the shoulder buttons to dodge when an enemy begins locking-on to your fighter. Do this three times in a row to complete the challenge.
- Minikit: Defeat as many flying enemy ships as you can. Blast enough and you’ll get this minikit.
- Minikit: Blast all the MTT — the big brown droid transports — when you crash inside the ship. Blast 10 of them.
- Minikit: When Anikin’s ship crash lands inside the command ship, blast literally everything you can before destroying the power cores.