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Luke Skywalker finally makes his grand returning debut in Episode 8: The Last Jedi and we’re going to blast our way through another campaign packed with adventure. The Last Jedi puts our heroes to the test as they’re chased by a massive First Order fleet. There’s no escape as the powerful command vessel of Supreme Leader Snoke is tracking the Resistance wherever they go. Poe takes on the First Order in his fighter while Poe and new character Rose go on a secret mission to the casino city of Canto Bight. There are massive battles and sneaky prison escapes in your future. We’re covering Level 1 and Level 2 right here. The rest of the finale is in Part 2.
More Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga guides:
A New Hope Walkthrough Part 1 | A New Hope Walkthrough Part 2 | Empire Strikes Back Walkthrough Part 1 | Empire Strikes Back Walkthrough Part 2 | Return of the Jedi Walkthrough Part 1 | Return of the Jedi Walkthrough Part 2 | Phantom Menace Walkthrough Part 1 | Phantom Menace Walkthrough Part 2 | Attack of the Clones Walkthrough Part 1 | Attack of the Clones Walkthrough Part 2 | Revenge of the Sith Walkthrough Part 1 | Revenge of the Sith Walkthrough Part 2 | The Force Awakens Walkthrough Part 1 | The Force Awakens Walkthrough Part 2 | A New Hope All Minikits | Empire Strikes Back All Minikits | Return of the Jedi All Minikits | Phantom Menace All Minikits | Attack of the Clones All Minikits | Revenge of the Sith All Minikits | The Force Awakens All Minikits | A New Hope All Level Challenges | Empire Strikes Back All Level Challenges | Return of the Jedi All Level Challenges | Phantom Menace All Level Challenges | Attack of the Clones All Level Challenges | Revenge of the Sith All Level Challenges | The Force Awakens All Level Challenges | Free Character & Vehicle Extra Codes | How To Unlock Studs x2 Early | Upgrades To Get Early
Level 1: Dameron’s Defiance

The First Order is on the warpath! The Republic has been decimated after the First Order’s surprise attack, and only the Resistance are equipped to slow down their merciless warmachine. Poe Dameron is our starting character — fly toward the First Order fleet in the distance to begin Level 1.
In this level, Poe is taking on the First Order Dreadnaught on his own. Shoot down turrets and TIE Fighters to progress to the next phase. Its as simple as that. We’re all pretty familiar with shooting targets and dodging lock-ons. Clear the targets, and you’ll change pilots — taking control of an A-Wing protecting a wing of bombers. You won’t have direct control here. All you need to do is shoot! Aim for the TIEs and blast 10.
Complete the A-Wing shooting sequence, and you’ll take control of Poe again. The last bomber is almost on target. Protect it from the TIE Barons — those are the advanced TIEs with torpedoes. Blast them to collect their torpedoes and use your new powerful weapons against the four large glowing red targets on the Dreadnaught. Blast them to complete this short opening level.
Mission: Finn… Leaking… Bag?

Poe and Finn reunite on the Resistance Cruiser! Finn just got out of the medical bay and he needs some clothes. Take him down the hallway and use the Hero Terminal to unlock the closet door in the Escape Pod Access Tunnel area. No good here. Let’s search the Medical Room.
Follow the markers to the Medical Room and smash the LEGO wardrobe. Grab the clothes and return t o the closet so Finn can change. Changed up, enter the Command Center — right as Kylo Ren and the First Order attack! They almost blow General Leia Organa out into space, but thanks to a little force intervention, she’s back inside. Finn doesn’t like how things are looking and finds the nearest escape pod.

Instead of deserting, Finn and his new friend Rose are plotting to disable the tracker on the First Order Capitol Ship. Visit Leia in her Medical Room upstairs — you’ll need to blast the three targets to get inside. Approach Poe (and BB-8 and C-3P0) and you’ll formulate a plan. Find a Master Codebreaker on the casino planet of Canto Bight.
Mission: The Master Codebreaker

Open your map and travel to Canto Bight, Cantonica. This is a high-class planet on the Outer Rim for only the richest high-rollers. Down on the planet, run through the streets and enter the massive casino on the hill. Inside, talk to all the marked NPCs to learn where the Codebreaker’s Private Party is located.
The part is in the room to the back-left. To distract the guard, smash the glowing LEGO piano nearby. Once you approach the Codebreaker, the second level will begin.
Level 2: Master Codebreak-Out

Finn and Rose have been captured! They didn’t contact the Master Codebreaker, but they’ve met a codebreaker in the prison cells. Maybe he’s good enough to crack the First Order encryption? (Not likely.) Either way, he helps you escape. In this level, we’ll have to escape Canto Bight while avoiding the guards.
Getting Into The Guard Room: There are multiple ways to get into the guard room. You can set off the alarm — or use a different method. To the left of the alarm, pull the switch to enter a room with workout gear. Smash all of it and rebuild into a Finn / Rose lure. Flip the switch and two guards will investigate. Defeat them to get two pieces of the guard disguise.

Now we can enter the Guard Room. Fight the guards to get the last piece of the disguise and clear out the room. To get your gear back — most importantly your grappling hooks — you’ll need to disable the red forcefield. Use the LEGO trampoline to bounce on top of the generator and use the lever to expose the core. Destroy the core to recover all your gear and start a prison riot!
To escape, use your grappling hook on the sewer hatch near your original cell. Drop down into the hole and you’ll be home-free.
Mission: Convincing Luke

Back on Temple Island, we re-join Rey on her quest to convince Luke Skywalker to help the Resistance. He wants nothing to do with Rey or her Jedi training, and immediately locks himself in his room. To get inside, jump on the orange LEGO handles and smash through the window at the top of the hut.
Follow Luke down to the shores — its a long walk! Once you finally wear down Luke, he’ll ask you to recover his milk bottle. One of the island porgs has run off with it. Follow the little bird critter as it runs away. It will drop the bottle just outside the Caretaker Village. Grab it and return to Luke. One cutscene later, and Luke will finally begin your training.

Follow the waypoint up to the top of the island. Rey gets a vision of a strange hole at the bottom of the island — let’s go check it out! Drop into the mysterious cave! Inside, you’ll need to solve several puzzles. As Rey, you can control your shadow copies behind the mirror. Move them to press the big red buttons. They’ll copy all of your movements and stop once they press the button. Press the buttons at each phase of the puzzle to generate a portal exit.
Complete the puzzles, and you’ll learn a dark secret. Luke Skywalker failed, and Ben Solo turned to the dark side. We’ll have to fight Luke in a short boss fight after the cutscene. Beat him, and Rey decides to leave — she wants to help Kylo Ren. Open your galactic map and travel to the Supremacy, the massive First Order ship in Crait Space. Fly toward it to begin the next level.