There is a lot to discover in LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga to the point where getting a save file with 100% completion is something of a white whale for many players. Between thousands of collectibles and unlocking playable characters spread across all nine mainline films in the Star Wars saga, there’s plenty to do to keep players busy.
Accessing everything in the game, however, will take exploring every level with a fine-tooth comb and sometimes returning in free play to use character abilities that weren’t present during the story campaign. One such roadblock that players will likely need to return to is the silver shining bricks that block the paths to hidden collectibles.
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Silver Bricks in LEGO Star Wars

Most times that silver bricks are encountered during story missions in LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga, the player will be unequipped to deal with them as they require the player character to be controlling a villain. Villains have the ability to throw grenades that easily destroy silver bricks, but unfortunately, the game rarely has the player controlling villains during the story missions.
If you encounter a silver brick and don’t have a villain available, make note of where it is and return to the location in free play. Once a villain is available, switch to them and approach the bricks. That should make a button prompt appear which tells the player what to hit to blow up the bricks. On PlayStation it should be the circle button and the B button on Xbox. Hit the button to throw the bomb and the bricks will disappear immediately after detonation.
Usually, silver bricks hide things like Kyber bricks or Minikits, but sometimes they hide bigger unseen areas with other secret goodies. Make note every time you see a silver brick and make sure to return as a villain to destroy them.