The Carian Study Hall in the Liurnia of the Lakes region is a mystery. After fighting your way to the top and dealing with an extremely annoying red invader, you’ll find no way to progress to the top and reach the Divine Tower. Getting to the top of the tower requires a very special item, making this one of the strangest and most unique dungeons in any Souls game. If you want to know exactly what it takes to reach the top of Carian Study Hall — and what’s up there — we’ve got the full explanation below.
The Carian Study Hall is just a small part in a larger quest for an NPC called Ranni. You’ll find Ranni in Ranni’s Rise, a tower at the top of the Caria Manor located directly north of the Academy of Raya Lucaria. If you travel north from the massive magic school, you’ll find the enormous Caria Manor. The path to the top is treacherous, and includes a boss fight against a spectral mounted knight. Reach the top and you’ll be able to begin Ranni’s Quest — she wants the Fingerslayer Blade. In exchange, you’ll receive the Inverted Statue — this is required to access the top floors of the Carian Study Hall.
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How To Reach The Top Of Carian Study Hall | Secret Area Guide
Carian Study Hall is a tower on the eastern side of Liurnia of the Lakes, attached to the Divine Tower by bridge. You can access Carian Study Hall at any time, but there’s no way to reach the top. Going upstairs only reveals a dead end in the high rafters and corpses that are seemingly defying gravity.
- To reach the top of Carian Study Hall you’ll need to acquire the Inverted Statue from the NPC Ranni, in Ranni’s Rise, Caria Manor.

Ranni will give you the Inverted Statue in exchange for the Fingerslayer Blade. The Fingerslayer Blade is located in Nokron, Eternal City — to unlock Nokron, defeat Starscourge Radahn and then travel to the field south of Mistwood to find a giant crater. Go inside and you’ll reach Nokron in Siofra River.
In Nokron, explore until you defeat the Mimic Tear boss and enter the Night’s Sacred Grounds area. Progress down to the street level where there’s a massive corpse on a throne. Underneath the body, you’ll find the Fingerslayer Blade.
Give the Fingerslayer Blade to Ranni in Ranni’s Rise tower, at the back of Caria Manor. She’ll give you the Inverted Statue as a reward. Use the Inverted Statue at the start of the Carian Study Hall to unlock the Inverted Carian Study Hall. The entire tower will turn upside-down, and you can now progress to the top by “falling” down. Carefully maneuver to the rafters and drop down onto the lift below. It will take you to the exit door, which reorients the world and allows you to access the Divine Tower.
Instead of a Great Rune, this Divine Tower has two rewards at the top. You’ll find the Cursemark of Death key item and the Stargazer Heirloom.
- Cursemark of Death: Key item. Required to complete Fie, the Deathbed Companion’s quest. Find her at the bottom of Deeproot Depths and give her the Cursemark to unlock a special boss bottle.
- Stargazer Heirloom: A talisman that raises intelligence stat.
Even if you don’t plan on completing Fie’s quest, this is still a worthy area to explore just because of its unique gimmick. Now you know how to solve the mystery of Carian Study Hall.
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