The Fire Giant is a different kind of Elden Ring boss. You’ll encounter him on the Mountaintop of the Giants on the path to the Forge of the Giants. He appears on Flame Peak, where you’ll be forced to take him down to progress. This is a required boss, and his battle is closer to an ambient dragon battle. You can ride on horseback, and you’ll need to sometimes! The Fire Giant is gargantuan human-shaped creature with a fire-spitting face right in his chest. Dealing with him can be overwhelming, so if you’re looking for a few quick tips, here’s how we handled the biggest boss in the game so far.
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How To Beat Fire Giant | Legendary Boss Guide
After defeating Morgott in Leyndell, Royal Capitol, enter the Forbidden Lands through the Grand Lift of Rold and progress toward the massive forge in the distance — reach the Mountaintop of the Giants and you’ll encounter the Fire Giant boss at the Flame Peak. To burn down the Erdtree, you’ll need to fight this giant protector.
NOTE: The Fire Giant is weak to Bleed. If you have a weapon that causes bleed build-up, use it. He is immune to frostbite, poison and Scarlet Rot.
- Fire Giant | Legendary Boss Tips:
- To beat the Fire Giant, get on foot near him and attack his ankle. Summon a Spirit Ash to distract him. Attacking the ankle will cause it to eventually break. You can only attack one ankle — don’t target it, just attack. Targeting can get janky in this fight.
- The Fire Giant uses his massive pan to attack wide areas of the map. This boss is Dragon scale, so be prepared to mount to move quickly.
- Stay near his ankle — the closer you are to him, the easier his attacks are to dodge. When he bends over, he may generate a huge AOE fire attack. Immediately retreat to escape the blast.
No matter how big the attacks area, you can dodge through them. Only sustained fire AOEs can’t be dodged through. The first stage of the fight is pretty simple — he gets much harder in Phase 2. If you know the secret, there is an easier way to win.

- Fire Giant | Phase 2 Tips:
- At less than 50% health, the Fire Giant will rip off his ankle and hobble around, spewing fire from his awakened torso-face.
- You can no long attack his foot for this phase. Seemingly, you’ll need to target his hands to deal good damage. Don’t do this! His hands are directly in the line-of-fire and they’re pretty hard to hit. He moves them around too fast.
- While slower, it is much easier and safer to attack the Fire Giant’s ankles / feet. You can’t target them, but you can easily position yourself behind the giant while he’s attacking or shooting fire straight forward. It works surprisingly well, and you can still stun the giant with powerful poise-damaging attacks. Hit the eye while he’s stunned for a huge damage boost.
- He drops the pan and uses more fire-based magic. Try to position yourself behind him or to the side and beware his roll. He’s much slower during this phase and can only hobble around, but he attacks (and rolls) much more aggressively.
His burning fists deal bonus fire magic damage. Any protection will help here. Just try to survive, whittle him down by attacking his guarded legs, and you’ll be able to overcome this difficult boss fight.
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