The biggest stumbling block for players in Elden Ring gets even harder. Morgott, Omen King is waiting to frustrate players at the end of Leyndell, Royal Capitol — he guards the entrance to the Erdtree. Morgott is the true identity of Margit, the boss keeping players from entering Stormveil Castle. Now he’s keeping players away from the climax, and he’s even harder to beat this time around. If you want to finally conquer Morgott and move onto the final section of Elden Ring, here’s a few tips explaining how I did it.
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How To Beat Morgott, The Omen King | Shardbearer Boss
At the Great Erdtree, you’ll encounter Morgott — the true identity of the boss we fought earlier called Margit. Morgott is faster and stronger than before. Be prepared for a difficult fight.
- Morgott, The Omen King | Shardbearer Boss Tips
- Morgott is a nimble opponent, sweeping around the battlefield and striking with long horizontal swings of his sword. Many of his attacks have a long build-up, giving you a brief amount of time to attack him before dodging away.
- Level up Spirit Ash soldiers and summon them to quickly deal with the first phase of the fight — or save them for Phase 2. Beware, they’ll die much faster in Phase 2. Leveling up any Spirit Ash will make this fight much easier to deal with.
- The first phase is very straightforward. He swoops around the arena, using his massive sword and briefly summoning magical weapons to aid him.
- Like the first fight, you can get in a jumping slash after he uses his hammer or following his big spinning combo.
- Morgott does not have high HP, especially if you use your battle arts.
- Ground Slam (and other poise-damaging battle arts) will help greatly in this fight. Two in a row will stagger him, leaving him exposed to a fierce attack.
NOTE: Morgott can be parried and blocked. His sword attacks are easy to parry. Most bosses force you to dodge constantly. This is one boss you can guard to break through (some) of his defenses.

- Morgott, The Omen King | Phase 2 Tips
- At 50% health, Morgott will cough and launch a powerful AOE attack. His magic attacks come even faster now, mixing in new attacks the deal high damage to most of the arena.
- When he pauses and raises his hands up, he’ll summon a rain of magic swords from the sky that cover the area around him and criss-cross the rest of the battlefield in an X-pattern. The swords remain falling, quartering up the arena. Play it safe here and move through the brief openings in the sword rain when you’re being crowded.
- You’ll have a brief moment to attack him before he summons the sword rain. Use your high-damage attacks like jump-attacks or battle arts to break him.
- When his sword glows red, he’ll attempt to cut straight through you for extreme damage. Dodge through it and attack while he’s recovering.
- The second phase is much harder than the first. If you’re struggling with it, wait to summon your Ash Spirits for this phase — then attack Morgott with high-damage Ground Slams, jump-attacks, or anything else you have in your arsenal. When he’s even slightly distracted, this fight becomes much easier to handle.
Defeat him to get Morgott’s Great Rune and Remembrance of the Omen King. You can talk to him while he’s on the ground after the fight, then go to the Erdtree entrance. The way is blocked, so talk to Melina from any site of grace to gain the Rold Medallion. Use the Medallion on the pathway north of the Erdtree in Leyndell to find the Grand Lift of Rold, which takes you to the Forbidden Lands and the Mountaintop of the Giants. Travel into the snowy lands to get the last Great Runes.
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