Margit, The Fell Omen is the first required boss of Elden Ring. He’s also a total brick wall, meant to stop rising Elden Ring players in their tracks and force you to go back and explore the vast world you haven’t yet found.
There are many optional boss encounters you’ll stumble into way before fighting Margit, and I recommend doing them all. Find every church or chapel, load up on Gold Seeds and Sacred Tears to improve your healing. Find lots of runes to increase your strength. Do everything you can before attempting to fight Margit. This boss isn’t just a roadblock for beginners. Margit is a challenge even for experience Souls fans. There’s no shame in admitting defeat.
But we’re not here to admit defeat. If you want to unlock the path to Stormveil Castle and claim your first Greater Rune, you’ll need to get through Margit first. Steel yourself and prepare for a tough fight. And you might want to try a quick and sneaky trick we’ve found that makes fighting Margit a whole lot easier.
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How To Beat Margit, The Fell Omen | Great Enemy Boss Guide
Margit, The Fell Omen is the first required boss. To encounter him, you’ll need to reach the entrance to Stormveil Castle — accessible from Stormhill. You can reach Stormhill by travelling through Stormgate or using the easier Saintsbridge path to the north.
Margit is a beast man with a variety of powerful magic weapons he can summon. He has a huge range of movement and can only be punished at very specific points in the fight. There is also an optional trick you can use to fight Margit and make the battle much easier — scroll down past the boss tips to learn how.
- Margit, The Fell Omen Boss Tips:
- When his attack combo begins, dodge forward and attack his flank. Dodging forward makes escaping his attacks much safer. Backwards can difficult.
- He will slam his staff forward — dodge through and attack him. Jumping attacks are also fast and effective, dealing increased damage. Dodging through his attacks makes him much easier to deal with.
- Watch out for his tail swing when you’re behind him.
- Summon Spirit Ash helpers to distract him and deal damage.

- Margit, The Fell Omen | Phase 2 Tips:
- At 60% health, he’ll begin summoning more weapons and attacking faster. His hammer is slow and hits hard, leaving an opening if you dodge forward through his attacks. His sword attack becomes a longer combo that will break your shield if you block. Dodge backwards to avoid it.
- When he summons a hammer, if you’re at range, he’ll swing then leap into the sky for a big slam into the ground. Roll forward and he hits the ground to get in an easy attack.
- His long rushing charge attack and his forward staff hit are easy to dodge through and punish.
- When he throws knives, just sidestep left / right. You don’t need to roll. Very easy to avoid.
Margit becomes incredibly aggressive in Phase 2 and can easily overwhelm you. Summon Spirit Ashes for this phase to distract him / deal a small amount of extra damage. Staying on your toes and effectively dodging through his attacks is critical at this phase.
For defeating Margit, you’ll unlock the Talisman Pouch which gives you +1 Talisman Equipment Slot. The path into Stormveil Castle will unlock, and the first Shardbearer will await. He’s tough, but not nearly as tough as Margit.
How To Make Margit Easier To Beat

There’s a trick you can use to beat Margit, but it costs 5,000 runes and hidden in an area that’s incredibly easy to miss. To earn the item, we need to find Patches.
- Patches can be found in Murkwater Cave, on the river to the east of Gatefront Ruins. There’s a small dungeon near the water that’s too dark to traverse without a torch or lantern.
- At the end of the cave path, you’ll find an empty campsite. Open the chest and Patches will appear for a miniboss fight! He throws dust, so avoid it and hit him from behind. He isn’t too hard to take down.
After defeating Patches, you’ll be able to talk to him. Talk to him once, then leave the cave and return and he’ll sell you items. One of those items is Margit’s Shackles for 5,000 runes. When used, this will shackle Margit to the ground, giving you a chance to score easy damage against him. Save up your runes and use it on Phase 2 to make the fight with Margit just a little bit safer.
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