- Note: Depending on the version your Minecraft is running on may alter some of the results from the seeds listed below.
- Note: The seed code will be bold.
Minecraft randomly generates its worlds. In the background, the almost limitless game world is created based on intricate algorithms. A little known fact is that the basic code in the world is based on something called the seed, which is just a few characters long.
By default, the game grabs the current system time as the basic input for the starting values of a world and runs with that. However those seeds can be influenced, they can be copied and pasted into Minecraft’s underlying code, and thus renders the players able to go and recreate worlds.
On the myriad of Minecraft forums and wikis and websites out on the web, the community has started collecting the best and most interesting seeds. Here we present a selection of outstanding seeds you can use to create the most stunning Minecraft worlds.
It is just a small collection you can use to create some interesting “naturally occurring” Minecraft worlds. Remember, Minecraft has about 380 trillion unique and different worlds. This is really just a small selection.
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If you’re looking for an ocean monument seed then check out this one. You’ll find a big monument to explore and gather the resources inside. For instance you can come across sponge blocks which can help out building bases underwater. Just head to 300,391 to find the monument.
Here’s a seed that is filled with villages. You can find a total of nine villages with four blacksmiths. Even from the spawn location you can see multiple villages.
Here’s a rather need generation seed as you’ll find that it features villages spawned next to each other but on two different biomes. You have an Acacia village along with a Plain village. You can find them at -78,156.
In this seed generation you will find yourself being spawned right near a temple and woodland mansion. That’s not a bad way to start out a fresh game.
Whether this village is extremely religious or part of some kind of cult, there’s three churches built right near it. Just venture over to -971,66,1528 if you’re in good faith.
Here is a seed that has several biomes, mob spawners, villages, and even locations to some diamonds.
- 20,70,37
- 276,70,68
- 325,71,-235
- -298,83,-330
- -314,75,-310
Mob Spawners
- Zombie 156,15,25
- Spider 210,25,31
- 34,15,135
Here’s a seed that has quite a few points of interest if you’re after some exploration and survival.
Woodland Mansion
- 50,60,100
- 130,80,-90
- -190,80,-190
- -320,56,-250
- -188,79,37
Dungeon With Ravine
- -337,59,-140
Here’s a seed if you’re looking for plenty of Desert Temples. You’ll find a total of four of them in this world generation alongside three villages.
Here’s a useful seed as this one will spawn you right next to a Woodland Mansion. This is unusual since most often these Woodland Mansions are a good ways off from the spawn but they are always worth exploring. With each being a bit different, you can uncover secret rooms or closed off rooms altogether. You never know just what might be inside as well so it’s worth the effort to explore and gather whatever precious loot might be inside.
Looking for a seed that comes packed with all biomes available for the platform then check this seed out. You’ll also be able to uncover four temples if you venture out to explore the area.
Here’s another seed here that has a few notable glitches that makes an interesting world to explore. If you want a bit of random generations to your world then give this seed a go and check out the oddity locations from the coordinates below.
Village Connected To Desert Temple
- 96,263
Village Near Woodland Mansion
- 17,-105
Interested in some survival island-type seeds? This seed discovery looks to be perfect for that setup, as there are several islands scattered about on this map. You can attempt to voyage to a new island for resources when you’re running low. However, there is a large land mass as well which is broken up by different ravines and lakes. Just in case you get tired of the island life.
Here is another survival island seed that is well worth trying out, especially if you want a challenge. Some survival island seeds are able to generate several islands close by that will make it easy to grab some resources. However, that won’t be the case here as you’ll find that there are very few islands, and they are spread out quite far. If you want to give yourself a tough start and attempt to survive as long as you can, this is one seed not to pass up on.
This seed is a bit odd but could be good for extreme Minecraft survival players. It places you on a very small island with a hole in the ground. That’s it.
Spawning here you will be round ravines but have a lot of diamonds in them to get a good head start in the game.
This seed puts you on top of a mountain just above a village with a blacksmith as well as many villager houses to get supplies.
This seed is unique has the spawn is right next to a monument underwater. Creating a house on the island would be a fun idea.
A huge hole in the ground! This seed puts you by land just next a giant hole with caves as well a village.
This seed features quite an unusual mansion. This house, located 355,70,111, has lush coming down from the ceiling. A nearby lush cave mixes with its roof, bringing vines and spore flowers to the mansion.
The most important landmark in this seed is its giant mineshaft spreading inside an ancient city. The city entrance is located in -2456,-40,2008.
All Minecraft seeds are not filled with vast plains to run across. This one contains many mountains to climb and explore.
This seed features an open spawner room. Head to -279,121,-196 to find the entrance to this spawner room on the side of a flowery mountain.
Spawning on this seed comes with a view, as the spawn is surrounded by trees and overlooking an ocean from a cliffside. This seed also includes a frozen ocean, spruce and oak trees, savannah, jungle, plains, an ancient city, and a stronghold.
Are you looking for something with a bit of variety in your seed generation? This seed has diverse biomes and plenty of mountains along with lakes to explore.
Here is a survival seed with a mix of points of interest in the ocean along with villages.
Ocean Monument
- -88,250
Woodland Mansion
- -250,-258
- 89,-119
- 167,146
- 365,50
- -198,335
- -411,87
- 377,-416
This seed will put you in a pretty ideal location. Players will spawn next to two pillager mansions, two villages, and close by the stronghold. From there, you’ll find plenty of spawners within the nearby cave systems.
This seed will spawn you right between two villages set within the grassland and a desert. There’s even a cave system near one of the villages for you to explore.
Want a challenge? Here is a seed that makes it difficult to survive. This seed spawns you into a world where you’re given five islands, very few biomes, scarce resources, no villages, and no animal spawns.
In search for a seed that’s full of structures and biomes? You’re in luck with this one. You’ll have a ton of points of interests to explore.
Village W/ Blacksmith
- 308,310
- 294,116
- 137,-218
Ocean Monument
- -376,-122
- 80,-259
Ender Fortress
- 50,66
Seeking a seed that’s a blank canvas? With this seed you get mostly a large flat grassland to explore. It should make for a good place to get creative when building out your own unique world.
In this seed, you’re getting setup on a solid starting spawn location. Right near spawn you’re going to find eight villages along with some spawners. It could mean for an early means of not only collecting resource from the village but also farming from mobs both naturally at night or through these spawners.
Looking fore a more ocean focused seed? In this seed you have a massive coral reef location, an ocean monument, and a couple shipwrecks. Of course, on land you’ll have different villages and locations to hit up like a Woodland Mansion.
Coral Reef
- 13,-44
Ocean Monument
- -88,250
- 89,-119
- 167,146
- 377,-416
- -198,335
- -411,87
- 365,50
Within this seed, right by spawn, you’ll find four villages. That alone can be a good head start for some goods. But, that’s not all. Right next to the villages are two sand temples just waiting to be explored and looted.
Looking for a seed with multiple locations to check out? There’s dense forests, various biomes, open pits of lava to stumble upon, a mushroom island, and even floating mountains.
Mushroom Island
- 247,289
Desert Village
- 77,-229
- -228,64
Here’s a great survival seed that sets players up with a great spawn area. At spawn you’re next to two pillager mansions, two villages, several caves with spawners, and a stronghold. It’s a great area if you’re after some decent resources right away without having to endlessly explore.
Sometimes seeds generate but lack variety of locations to visit. If you’re looking for a seed that has a variety of biomes the check this one out. it’s got a vast collection of biomes to explore and gather resources from.
Here’s a great survival seed that sets players up with a great spawn area. At spawn you’re next to two pillager mansions, two villages, several caves with spawners, and a stronghold. It’s a great area if you’re after some decent resources right away without having to endlessly explore.
This seed is all about surviving on various islands surrounded by the ocean. However, to help you out this seed has a cave at spawn where you can get some diamonds right away.
Looking for a seed that has quite a bit of resources near spawn? Look no further, this seed has a ton of content for players to dive through.
- 167,7,263
- 160,11,340
End Portal
- 14,23,243
Spider Spawner
- 44,13,248
Zombie Spawner
- 278,17,381
Underground Ravine
- 48,15,341
Desert Temple
- 206,52
- 46,-162
- -172,-499
Here’s a seed that offers a unique location right at spawn. Players will be confronted with a completely separated mansion. You’ll find the mansion is split in two by a river. It’s certainly a unique setup and possibly something that could give players a survival challenge or perhaps some ideas on how to make this mansion a bit more creative.