#19: Lost your hat? Don’t worry! There’s always a spare hat available in your horse’s saddle. Whatever hat you have equipped will reappear at your horse.
#20: Lawmen will always instantly identify you, even if you have a mask on — or if you swap your beard / hairstyle. It makes no sense, but that’s how it works.
#21: You can actually skip story missions. If you complete too many side-activities, complete story missions in a certain order, or just wait too long, you can miss story missions entirely. Well, only the less-important ones.

#22: Pat your horse constantly to increase your connection. Whenever your horse listens to you and slows down, speeds up, or turns in the direction you want. Pat your horse! They’ll learn and get better at following your orders.
#23: Store extra clothing and weapons on your horse. When near a horse, your radial menus will reflect all the new items you can swap with your mount. Want a different rifle? A new jacket to wear? Your horse is your travelling inventory.
#24: Speaking of clothing, you can set and save different outfits to quick-select. I always bring a normal set of clothes, and a cold-weather jacket set for travelling in freezing areas. You only really need to worry about cold climates.
That’s just a fraction of the features you’ll find in Red Dead Redemption 2. This is a massive game, and we’ll share anything new we find on Gameranx.