Absolution is back in Elden Ring. Way back in Dark Souls, you could make enemies by attacking in-game NPCs, committing “PVP sins” by getting kicked out of your covenant, or resetting major game-changing choices. You can make some of the same choices in Elden Ring, and if you want to take those choices back, you can through Atonement.
Instead of paying a tax in runes, you’ll need a consumable called the Celestial Dew. Turn one of these rare items in at the Church of Vows to wipe the slate clean. If you’ve attacked an NPC — doing about 10% damage will make them permanently hostile — you can calm them down through Atonement. There are many more uses to Atonement that we haven’t yet discovered. Knowing about it early helps. You never know when you’ll need forgiveness.
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How To Reset NPC Hostility & Remove Sins | Church of Vows Guide
The Church of Vows is a location where you can use a unique service. By spending Celestial Dew, you can reset your “sins” — you can remove a black mark on your character if you’ve been invading players or if you’ve been attacking NPCs. If you’ve attacked an NPC and they’re hostile, using this service will reset the NPC and stop them from attacking you.
- How To Reach The Church Of Vows: Academy of Raya Lucaria – From the Red Wolf of Radagon boss chamber, enter the courtyard and take the stairs up with the rolling ball trap. Inside, look right to find a portal to the Church of Vows.
The Church of Vows is watched by a giant talking turtle. He teaches Sorcery and Incantations. At the statue, you can choose to Atone. Atoning resets your morality. This requires a Celestial Dew item.
- Celestial Dew: Key Item – Found in the underground Url Palace Ruins, on the raised pillars outside the temple entrance. Reach by entering the queen chamber from the bloody meat room. Use the Ainsel River Well in the Liurnia of the Lakes region to access the Url Palace Ruins through a series of giant ant tunnels.
The Church of Vows also contains a special chest with the Golden Sewing Needle and Golden Tailoring Tools — which allow you to craft demigod attire.
There are many more Celestial Dew locations, though they are extremely rare. This method is slightly more forgiving than Absolution in the original Dark Souls. In that game, you had to pay 500 souls per level to absolve yourself — if you’re level 20, you’d have to pay 10,000 souls.
Atonement is a powerful fix if you’ve royally screwed up by attacking NPCs. This is much less likely to block you out from content in Elden Ring — most areas with important NPCs simply don’t allow you to attack. Even if you do kill a vendor, you can collect a special coin and turn it in to unlock their vendor wares at a separate seller. Still, if there is a case you need forgiveness for a mistake, this is how you do it.
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