There’s an unbelievable secret underneath Stormveil Castle in Elden Ring, and finding it is just the beginning of an incredibly long quest that spans the entire story. If you search every inch of Stormveil Castle, you’ll find a bizarre misshapen face in the lowest, darkest sections — guarded by a twisted, corrupted living chunk of Erdtree. The face looks like a gigantic squad with a human face. It is enormous, easily towering the place Tarnished, and it seemingly has no purpose. The only clue you’ll have is a bloodstain and a dead body.
With those vague clues, you’ll begin an extremely long quest that leads you to the dark depths of Elden Ring. You’ll uncover an ancient conspiracy and search the underworld for long lost cities — and you’ll meet some new friends along the way. This is unlike any other “quest” for previous From Software games. This is a real quest, and each step gives you another vague clue to follow. Here, we’re just going to explain how to get started. Once you’ve truly begun the quest, you won’t want to give it up — you’ll want to find the answers as much as we do.
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Prince Of Death Quest | How To Get Started
To begin the “Black Knife” quest, or the “Prince of Death” quest, you’ll need to find a horrifying face hidden deep beneath Stormveil Castle. If you’ve found this face and have no idea what to do next, this is how you progress. Note that this quest is extremely long. This guide will get you started on the quest, up until it becomes much more linear. At this early stage, it isn’t clear what you need to do for every step.
Step #1: Finding The Prince of Death
Enter Stormveil Castle and reach the Liftside Chamber site of grace. Exit and turn right — there’s a ledge with a corpse sitting on it. Drop down to the ledge below and follow the path into a deep underground chamber. Follow the path and you’ll encounter a difficult corrupted Erdtree monster. If you encounter the monster, you’ll know you’re in the right place.
- At the bottom, you’ll find a massive squid with a human face and body. There is a bloodstain showing a wizard that appears to sacrifice himself. You must look at the bloodstain.
On a corpse next to the thing-face, you can find an item called the Prince of Death’s Pustule. This talisman raises vitality and protects against the effects of death — it comes from a piece of “Godwyn” flesh, the God of Death.
- Found in the church in Stormveil Castle, talk to a strange wizard named Rogier. After defeating the Shardbearer of Stormveil, he’ll return to Roundtable Hold. Make sure to talk to him and he’ll reappear at your home base.
Step #2: The Knifeprint Clue
Talk to Rogier after finding the corpse in the underground chamber. A new dialogue option will appear, and Rogier will tell you about the murder of Godwyn.
- After gaining two Great Runes, talk to the Deathbed Companion in the bedroom with the fireplace in the Roundtable Hold. Speak with her and talk in secret. She’ll give you the Knifeprint Clue. The clue shows a location on a map.
The clue points to the Black Knife Catacombs. From the Carian Study Hall and travel north up the maze-like canyons of Liurna of the Lakes. Pass by the Minor Erd Tree and you’ll find this secluded dungeon. A glowing knight is standing outside guarding it.
- Getting The Blackknife Print:
- Inside the catacomb, you’ll reach a hallway with giant guillotine traps. Stand under one as it rises up to reach the high ledge.
- Up above in this area, attack the walls to reach a hidden boss called the Black Knife Assassin.
- To Find the Illusory Wall: From the ledge, fight through the hallway, then to the corridor that bends right. In the next room, go right again and attack the wall.
Defeat the boss and you’ll receive the Assassin’s Cerulean Dagger talisman and the Blackknife Print key item.
- May Be Optional: Return to the Death Bed Companion and talk to her — she will give you the Weathered Dagger key item. She gives no clue who you need to return this item to.
- Give the dagger to D, Hunter of the Dead in the Roundtable Hold. This will lead to his death, so choose wisely if you want to pursue this path.
With the Blackknife Print, talk to Sorcerer Rogier in the Roundtable Hold and give it to him. He will promise to study the print and provide more information.
- Complete both tasks and talk to the Death Bed Companion again to get a Sacrificial Twig.
Return later and talk to Rogier. He will ask you to procure a mark from Ranni — daughter of Queen Rennala. She is located at the Caria Manor, located north of the Academy of Raya Lucaria. From this point on, once you encounter Ranni in Ranni’s Rise at the end of the manor grounds, the series of quests will become much more linear and easier to follow. There’s still much to accomplish, but now you know what to do with that giant weird monster face.
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