The Far Cry franchise will soon get its sixth mainline installment. This time around players are tossed into the fictional Caribbean island called Yara. Just like most of the games, there is a big tyrannical reign with a resistance group attempting to overthrow the leaders. In this game, the main antagonist is El Presidente Anton Catillo, a dictator who is raising his son Diego to show how he must use a heavy hand to keep the island inline. Meanwhile, players will be taking the role of Dani Rojas, a guerrilla soldier who is fighting to take control of the nation and restore a peaceful order.
Far Cry is known for having a large open world with plenty of firefight battles scattered across the area. With players helping NPCs in need or progressing through the storyline, this game will ultimately force players into making a trek across the map either by foot or through a variety of vehicles. It’s already been unveiled that Far Cry 6 will feature the largest playground map to date.
While we haven’t seen just what is accessible to players in terms of traversing, there’s bound to be a slew of vehicles being incorporated into the game. Likewise, we’re sure that there is enough content scattered around the map to reward players in exploring outside of campaign missions. Not to mention that this is a FPS so you’re going to have plenty of action-packed moments throughout the campaign.
With that said, there’s plenty of hype going into this title and it may have some fans jumping at the opportunity to enjoy a beta. Unfortunately, that’s not going on right now and Ubisoft is hoping to spread the warning to fans worldwide. It looks like a phishing attempt is going on that is promising a beta access to the game via what looks like an official Ubisoft email address. Please avoid this email as it’s a scam. Currently, there is no beta going on right now for Far Cry 6 so we’re all having to wait to see when Ubisoft will be revealing more of this game to players publicly.
Source: Twitter