You’d think that things would be “winding down” on the entertainment front since there are only two weeks left until Christmas. However, companies know that this is the time to get that “last big swing” before everything shuts down for a big, which is why there are often big releases just before Christmas. On the movie side of things, Sonic The Hedgehog 3 is coming out on December 20th, and it promises to be the biggest and best of the trilogy. The team behind the film decided to drop an “official clip” from the movie, and it shows in full one of the major fights in the early part of the film.
Specifically, it shows in full the first interaction between Shadow The Hedgehog and the crew of Sonic, Knuckles, and Tails. Naturally, the first thought of the four is the question of why Sonic and Shadow look alike, with Sonic not knowing exactly how old Shadow is just yet. When talks break down, thanks to Knuckles, Shadow shows them exactly why he’s the ultimate lifeform. Enjoy!
There are plenty of cool elements in here that can’t be ignored. First, this is the first time we’re seeing Keanu’s version of Shadow The Hedgehog speak in a non-trailer setting. So you get to hear the high and low tones of how he’ll have Shadow talk. Overall, it’s pretty great, which is what you’ve come to expect from Keanu at this point, regardless of whether it’s live-action or animation.
Second, while it may seem odd that Shadow totally wipes out Sonic’s side, that’s an important plot point that will lead to many things to come. If you recall the first trailer, after this beatdown, Sonic takes a big gamble by going to find Dr. Eggman in the hopes that he can help them defeat Shadow. That move will eventually backfire once a certain other “Eggman” shows up to change the game.
Finally, a line from Shadow makes it clear why he doesn’t at least try to understand more about Sonic because “you came out of a G.U.N. helicopter.” G.U.N. is one of the threads that has connected the three main films, and in Sonic lore, they are the ones who killed Maria and imprisoned Shadow. Thus, he wouldn’t trust them no matter what, and if Sonic and his friends are associated with them, they’re his enemies.
Sonic The Hedgehog 3 aims to be the most mature and darkest of the three films so far, and all indications show that this will be the case.