As the movie itself says, “Nothing hits harder than a team-up.” Deadpool & Wolverine is coming out THIS FRIDAY, and everyone who has seen the trailers or has been waiting for this to truly happen is pumped for it. The marketing for the film alone has been inspiring, as Ryan Reynolds and his crew have been doing all sorts of things to try and get people ready for the movie. They’ve crashed commercials, they’ve done a fake podcast, and, for the gamers, they made a special Deadpool Xbox Series X with an equally special Deadpool controller. You might recall that its “design” was partially modeled after “The Merc With The Mouth’s” butt.
Well, in a statement of true brand synergy, as revealed by ComicBook.com, Wolverine has now gotten a special Xbox Series X controller that features his butt! The last one could be gotten via a contest on Twitter, but this time, you have to go to Instagram to enter to win this special piece of “curvy hardware.” We’re sure that if Wolverine knew that this existed, he’d destroy every copy of it and then gut Wade like a fish. So, more than likely, he wasn’t told this existed and likely won’t be made aware of it until the contest is over. It’s probably for the best.
The irony here is that there are likely a lot of people who want this controller. Sure, some people will just want it for the rarity or to try and scalp it for a high price online, but there will be some who seriously want this controller to have a unique piece of Marvel history and to likely make a bunch of posts online about how they have a “butt controller.” The jokes write themselves.
Focusing on the movie, Deadpool & Wolverine is about Wade Wilson being happy with where his life is right now and having everything he ever wanted. The problem? Something is about to destroy his world, so he’s pulled into the MCU by the TVA to try and save it, and he finds a Variant of Wolverine to help him do it. The problem? This Wolverine is pretty low on himself and needs a push, or ten, to help him get into the right mindset for what’s coming.
The cameos and inside jokes about the MCU and all the other Marvel properties will liter this film, and that means fans will want to watch it repeatedly once it releases on Friday.