As we’ve covered quite a bit on this site, there are plenty of crossover video game titles that have been flooding the gaming industry as of late. Some of them are better than others, and some are titles that truly bring a unique roster to life. Recently, a certain set of games featuring Marvel and Capcom characters got an “Arcade Collection” announcement, and the internet went nuts. It wasn’t hard to see why they went nuts, either, as the games were a lot of fun, and many hoped they were a tease for what was coming. Marvel vs Capcom 4 is specifically what they’re hoping for.
And fans aren’t the only ones hoping that this comes to past. Everyone’s favorite “Merc With A Mouth,” Deadpool, also hopes for this. In the latest issue of his main comic, Wade Wilson got himself into a fight, and did a fancy move, while narrating to the audience how he hopes this get put into Marvel vs Capcom 4 and giving a thumbs-up to the camera.
Now, there are some things that need to be noted about this. First, NO, this isn’t an “official tease” for the next game, as it’s from a Deadpool comic and not officially from Marvel or Capcom. Second, while the timing of this is rather suspicious, it should be noted that comic scripts are written MONTHS ahead of time, and this book was likely finished around the time of the Nintendo Direct last month and simply was waiting to come out. As such, the timing of this is hilarious, but it’s not likely to mean much as of yet.
The other thing to note here is that while many fans would like a new entry in the franchise, we can’t forget that the LAST entry in the crossover series was a disaster! That game came during a time when Marvel and the now defunct 21st-century Fox were having a feud over Marvel character rights that had been sold in the 1990s, and that led to the X-Men, Fantastic Four, Ghost Rider, and more being taken out of the game’s roster. That’s a lot of big names that people immediately felt the impact from.
Then, when you add the rather terrible looks of many of the characters, the bad story, and the wonky game mechanics, you can see why the title didn’t do well compared to past entries. Hopefully, Marvel and Capcom come together to fix this mistake, especially since Marvel has almost all the rights to their characters under their roof again.