We’ve made our feelings pretty clear about Starfield ever since its launch. The game was in development for over eight years, was overtly praised by critics at launch, and then, when gamers got their hands on it, it was a vague and empty universe that had numerous issues that are still being fixed today. Bethesda has tried to sugarcoat things over the months since launch, but the game definitely isn’t what was promised, and it certainly doesn’t live up to the status and legend of other games that the developer has made. That’s where modders come in because they’re more than happy to pick up the flag and make that happen.
Unofficial mods have been going on since Starfield’s launch, but more recently, Bethesda finally made full-on modding available for people who wanted to try stuff out. On Reddit, one user decided that they were going to try to assemble a team to do what they’re calling “Project Tamriel.” If that name sounds familiar, it’s because that’s the name of the realm that The Elder Scrolls series takes part in. To that end, the endgame of the mod is to put Skyrim, Oblivion, and Morrowind into the universe.
To be clear on some things, they’re not trying to do all of this at once. The Reddit post makes it very clear that this will happen in sections, but the goal is to make everything feel authentic, and make people feel like the two worlds/universes of Bethesda have merged together into one.
To be blunt here, this is an ambitious project on the best of days, not the least of which is that all three of the games that would be brought in are massive in scope and would require plenty of people to not only create things, but animate them, path them into the programming, and so on. This isn’t a simple thing like giving the universe better graphics or special options for players and so on. They’re essentially trying to recreate and fuse several worlds into one universe.
Then again, this is what modders do. They love a challenge, and they want nothing more than to see how far they can push things. And, being blunt again, if they feel that Bethesda’s newest title needs THREE of their old ones to be meaningful? That says quite a lot, don’t you think?
Regardless, they’re starting this challenge, and it’ll be interesting to see it develop. So stay tuned for updates!