You might have noticed that we’re talking quite a bit about Final Fantasy VII Rebirth today, and there’s a good reason for that. Aside from the State of Play that was shown yesterday, the game is easily the most-hyped title we know about for 2024. The sequel to the first remake title has made various promises to gamers, including a more robust combat system with added party roster, even better graphics, a gripping story, etc. But a key element of everything is that they’re still honoring the past while “crafting the future,” the art pieces they’ve been dropping help prove that in spades.
You might recall that Square Enix was “redoing” the original promo art from the OG PS1 game. Well, after the State of Play, they dropped even more art showing off the Final Fantasy VII Rebirth characters. For example, here’s one featuring Vincent Valentine:
Vincent’s role in the game is interesting because he’ll be “filling the void” that Red XIII had in the previous entry. By that, we mean Vincent won’t be playable, as the State of Play showcased yesterday by not detailing him that much, but he’ll still be a functional part of your crew in certain moments. Plus, we know he’ll interact with Cloud and the others over time, possibly unveiling his connections to Sephiroth.
Next, we have a picture showing off Red XIII.
Unlike the previous remake title, Red XIII will be playable in the game; you’ll even get to visit his home in Cosmo Canyon to learn about his origin story. It’s there that this picture is from, and you can see the tragic figure looming in the moonlight. We won’t spoil who it is, but that being is someone close to Red XIII.
Oh, how about a picture with Cid?
Yep, he and his Tiny Bronco will be there, and he’ll be helping everyone as they try to get around the world and save the day. Cid was featured quite often in the State of Play, so you’ll definitely get to see plenty of him within the title.
Finally, there’s Aerith:
Yep, they’re continuing to tease the potential fate of Aerith within the remake sequel. This shot is from the Forgotten Capital, just moments before her death in the original game. The trailers have been HEAVILY highlighting this scene, as it will be the end of the game.
But will it be the end of Aerith once again? Or will fate allow her to survive this time? You’ll find out on February 29th!