What do you think will show up during this special State of Play? What gameplay elements will be further explored in your mind? Let us know below!
Given that we’re less than a month away from the arrival of Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, it shouldn’t be too surprising that many expected a new look at the upcoming RPG yesterday during the State of Play event. Square Enix has honestly been doing a good job in teasing out information about the game, and they even did a nice recap starring Red XIII to get people caught up before the new game drops on February 29th. The team has even talked about what it was like breathing more life into characters like Sephiroth. But nothing happened for the State of Play event, despite being less than a month away!
To say that fans were a bit stunned was an understatement, however, the PlayStation Twitter handle lightened their “burden” by revealing that the State of Play event would return on February 6th and focus entirely on Final Fantasy VII Rebirth!
The fact that it focuses on the gameplay indicates that there is something big to showcase. We know that the combat system has been improved upon, giving you new characters to use in the fight against Sephiroth and the Shinra Organization and new attacks like combo moves to help turn the tide. That’s one of the things that Square Enix has been highlighting when possible.
We also know that gameplay-wise, there will be plenty of ways to get around and mini-games to do, including the return of Chocobo racing! Oh, and the Golden Saucer area promises lots of big gameplay and story moments! So, could we get even more reveals on that front? It’s hard to say, but we won’t have to wait long to find out!
While all that was exciting, fans want more than anything with this game to simply dive into the game’s lush world.
Unlike in the first part of the remake saga, you won’t be confined to the various parts of Midgar. Instead, you’ll be given access to the vast world of Gaia, which includes several new cities and locations to check out and see what you can do inside. Tetsuya Nomura even noted that you can have up to 100 hours of adventures within the title should look for everything there is to do.
Not to mention, the game’s story has fans on the literal edge of their seats! From seeing more of Cloud and Zack’s backstory to learning about the fate of Aerith in the remake series and wondering what new twists await, there’s a lot to look forward to as the countdown to its release continues!